M.E. Gröller
3 records found
CT data of industrially produced cast metal parts are often afflicted with artefacts due to complex geometries ill-suited for the scanning process. Simple global threshold-based porosity detection algorithms usually fail to deliver meaningful results. Other adaptive methods can h
Bladder Runner
Visual Analytics for the Exploration of RT‐Induced Bladder Toxicity in a Cohort Study
We present the Bladder Runner, a novel tool to enable detailed visual exploration and analysis of the impact of bladder shape variation on the accuracy of dose delivery, during the course of prostate cancer radiotherapy (RT). Our tool enables the investigation of individua
Several diagnostic and treatment procedures require the segmentation of anatomical structures from medical images. However, the automatic model-based methods that are often employed, may produce inaccurate segmentations. These, if used as input for diagnosis or treatment, can hav