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ANW Dahanayake
Academic Work (63)
Editorial Work (2)
Book (4)
Book chapter (7)
Conference paper (35)
Journal article (4)
Report (13)
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63 records found
Extending the Information-Processing View of Coordination in Public Sector Crisis Response
Journal article (2010) -
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
R Gonzalez (author)
R Gonzalez (author)
Alexander Verbraeck (author)
A. Verbraeck (author)
A Verbraeck (author)
Improving IT-Enabled Sense and Respond Capabilities: An Application of Business Activity Monitoring at Southern International Airlines
Journal article (2007) -
R.J. Prof Dr Welke (author)
G. Cavalheiro (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
A Concept Map of Information Systems Research Approaches
Conference paper (2007) -
R Gonzalez (author)
R Gonzalez (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Responsibility in User Participantion in Information Systems Development
Conference paper (2007) -
R Gonzalez (author)
R Gonzalez (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Adaptive IT Education through IT Industry Participation
Conference paper (2006) -
MSD Fernando (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
HG Sol (author)
Survey on IT Industry and University Collaboration for Adaptive Course Development
Conference paper (2006) -
MSD Fernando (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
HG Sol (author)
An approach to component-based and service-oriented system architecture design
Book chapter (2006) -
Z Stojanovic (author)
Z Stojanovic (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
HG Sol (author)
Architecting Personalized Information Retrieval and Access Services in Data Intensive Domains
Conference paper (2006) -
N Chen (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Personalized situation aware information retrieval and access for crisis response
Conference paper (2006) -
N Chen (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
An Analysis of XML Document and Data Storage Technology
Conference paper (2005) -
W. Zelle (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Designing a personalized situation aware information retrieval and access service
Conference paper (2005) -
N Chen (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Architecturing personalized information retrieval and access services in data intensive domains
Conference paper (2005) -
N Chen (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Service-Oriented Software System Engineering
Book (2005) -
Z Stojanovic (author)
Z Stojanovic (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
M. F.W.H.A. Janssen (author)
MFWHA Janssen (author)
M Janssen (author)
Marijn Janssen (author)
M.F.W.H.A. Janssen (author)
A Holistic Maturity Model For It Aligned University Education: IA-LMM
Conference paper (2005) -
MSD Fernando (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
HG Sol (author)
E-Learning and Quality University Environment: A Better Mix of Technology Based Learning and Administration with Traditional University Setting
Conference paper (2004) -
MSD Fernando (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Building a Framework for Evolutionary Course Development in Trasitional Countries: An IT Aligned Learning Objects Based Approach
Conference paper (2004) -
MSD Fernando (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Agile Development Methods and Component-Orientation: Review and Analysis
Book chapter (2004) -
Z Stojanovic (author)
Z Stojanovic (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
HG Sol (author)
Requirement Acquisition for Designing Reliable Personalized Information Retrieval e-Services
Conference paper (2004) -
N Chen (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
Modeling and Design of Service-Oriented Architecture
Conference paper (2004) -
Z Stojanovic (author)
Z Stojanovic (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
HG Sol (author)
Rethinking of medical information retrieval and access
Conference paper (2004) -
N Chen (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)
ANW Dahanayake (author)