
P.P. van de Coevering

10 records found

Governments increasingly embrace land-use policies to promote sustainable travel behaviour. However, the causality of this relationship, and in particular the role of travel-related attitudes, is not clear. This thesis takes a longitudinal approach and explores the directions of ...

Begrijpen aan welke knoppen je kunt draaien bij ruimte en mobiliteit

Nieuwe studie wijst op belang van attitudes op relatie tussen de gebouwde omgeving en mobiliteit

Wat is de wisselwerking tussen de gebouwde omgeving, mobiliteit en attitudes? Oftewel: in hoeverre kunnen we duurzame mobiliteit stimuleren door knooppuntontwikkeling en stedelijke verdichting? En wat is de rol van attitudes hierbij? Met een longitudinaal onderzoek met GPS-data z ...
Travel-related attitudes are believed to affect the connections between the built environment and travel behaviour. Previous studies found supporting evidence for the residential self-selection hypothesis which suggests that the impact of the built environment on travel behaviour ...

Residential self-selection, reverse causality and residential dissonance

A latent class transition model of interactions between the built environment, travel attitudes and travel behavior

Travel-related attitudes and dissonance between attitudes and the characteristics of the residential built environment are believed to play an important role in the effectiveness of land use policies that aim to influence travel behaviour. To date, research on the nature and dire ...
The influence of the built environment on travel behaviour and the role of intervening variables such as socio-demographics and travel-related attitudes have long been debated in the literature. To date, most empirical studies have applied cross-sectional designs to investigate t ...