Alan Dow
7 records found
We present examples of realcompact spaces with closed subsets that are C*-embedded but not C-embedded, including one where the closed set is a copy of N.
We present an example of a zero-dimensional F-space that is not strongly zero-dimensional.@en
It is shown that, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, every compact Hausdorff space of weight at most c is a remainder in a soft compactification of N.
We also exhibit an example of a compact space of weight aleph_1 ---hence a remainder in some compactification of N ---f ...
We also exhibit an example of a compact space of weight aleph_1 ---hence a remainder in some compactification of N ---f ...
The Proper Forcing Axiom implies that compact Hausdorff spaces are either first-countable or contain a converging ω1-sequence.@en
We prove that compact Hausdorff spaces with a PP-diagonal are metrizable. This answers problem 4.1 (and the equivalent problem 4.12) from Cascales et al. (2011).
We show that the existence of a homeomorphism between ω0⁎ and ω1⁎ entails the existence of a non-trivial autohomeomorphism of ω0⁎. This answers Problem 441 in [8]. We also discuss the joint consistency of various consequences of ω0⁎ and ω1⁎ being homeomorphic.
It is a well known open problem if, in View the MathML sourceZFC, each compact space with a small diagonal is metrizable. We explore properties of compact spaces with a small diagonal using elementary chains of substructures. We prove that ccc subspaces of such spaces have counta