
J. van Mill

10 records found


We present examples of realcompact spaces with closed subsets that are C*-embedded but not C-embedded, including one where the closed set is a copy of N. @en

We study the existence of universal autohomeomorphisms of N *. We prove that the Continuum Hypothesis (CH) implies there is such an auto-homeomorphism and show that there are none in any model where all auto-homeomorphisms of N *

We present some problems related to the conjugacy classes of Aut(N^*). @en
The classical Erdös spaces are obtained as the subspaces of real sep- arable Hilbert space consisting of the points with all coordinates rational or all coordinates irrational, respectively. One can create variations by specifying in which set each coordinate is allowed to vary. ...
We present a cardinal inequality for the number of homeomorphisms of the remainders of compactifications of nowhere locally compact spaces. As a consequence, we obtain that if is countable and dense in itself, then the remainder of any compactification of has at most continuum ...
This article attempts to survey Alan Dow's contributions to General and Set-theoretic Topology.@en


The book presents surveys describing recent developments in most of the primary subfields of General Topology, and its applications to Algebra and Analysis during the last decade, following the previous editions (North Holland, 1992 and 2002). The book was prepared in connection ...