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R.N. Glans

3 records found

Fostering a personal sequence of learning activities in Skill Circuits

Part 1 of a holistic approach towards designing an educational tool

This report holds a subset of an integrated thesis involving the development and testing of an educational tool named ”Playlist,” aimed at improving the learning experience of Computer Science & Engineering bachelor students at the TU Delft. The Playlist ...

Playlist: A personal sequence of learning activities

Full report on a holistic approach towards designing an educational tool

This thesis involves the development and testing of an educational tool named ”Playlist,” aimed at improving the learning experience of Computer Science & Engineering bachelor students at the TU Delft. The Playlist tool was developed as a feature for the existing tool called ...
Political content reaches civilians via social media more and more nowadays. This content is often biased and filtered depending on the user’s connections on social media. However, almost nobody watches actual debates or reads reports from the actual Dutch House of Representative ...