Jaap Evert Abrahamse
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The dwelling as a mass product
Authenticity in post-war housing estates
From the 1960s, Dutch mass housing construction was for a while dominated by modernism. Housing developments shot up in double quick time – after the existing cultural landscape had first been totally erased. In both typology and architecture, planners and architects strove to av
De woning als massaproduct
Authenticiteit in naoorlogse woonwijken
Vanaf begin jaren zestig van de vorige eeuw werd de Nederlandse massawoningbouw gedomineerd door het modernisme, waarbinnen de wijkgedachte leidend was. Het Algemeen Uitbreidingsplan van Amsterdam uit 1935 diende in veel Nederlandse steden als inspiratiebron. Stadsuitbreidingen w
This chapter deals with the interacting aspects of urban development and building regulations in the Netherlands. Two towns are placed in context and compared, both of them known for their systematic lay-out: the small town of Elburg, which was founded as a new town in the fourte