
Y.B.C. van Mil

32 records found


Researchers from multiple disciplines study ports and port cities using various forms of visualization. To better understand port cities’ challenges and opportunities, some use mathematical modeling of economic flows or shipping, while others use geo-spatial mapping of land and w ...

Driven by Steel

From Hoogovens to Tata Steel 1918-2018

Door staal gedreven

Van Hoogovens tot Tata Steel 1918-2018

Wederopbouw van de tuinbouw 1945-1965

Een vergelijking van de Bollenstreek met het Westland

In Nota Ruimte from 2004 the national government selected five horticulture areas as so called greenports. The government considered these areas of national and international interest and wanted to encourage their special development, in order to make a significant contribution t ...

Explosive growth

The welfare state, motorways, and the rapid expansion if the built-up area

Urban revival

Industrialization, railways, expansions and new urban forms

In the spring of 1929 an exhibition of the Regional Plan for Zuid-Holland-West, the western part of the Dutch province of Zuid-Holland, was opened in The Hague. Unlike suggested by the exposition's title, the presentation was not about a plan, but about a survey: a set of data to ...

Explosieve groei

Welvaartsstaat, autowegen en sterke toename van het bebouwd gebied

Hernieuwde bloei

Industrialisatie, spoorwegen, uitbreidingen en nieuwe stadsvormen

In the 19th century cities and towns were given the opportunity to tear down their old fortifications, during a period wherein cities expanded as a response to industrial development and explosive population growth. In existing literature, the number of inhabitants is often indic ...