R. Mullyadzhanov
6 records found
The paper provides a brief overview of recent computational studies of flow and heat transfer control by rotary oscillations of an infinite circular cylinder at a relatively broad set of imposed frequencies and amplitudes [1, 2]. A study for a previously unreachable high subcriti
Large-eddy simulations of a wall-bounded turbulent slot-jet have been performed to analyze the dynamics of quasi-two-dimensional large-scale meandering vortical structures and their interaction with small-scale stochastic turbulence. Despite a wide scale separation, LES indicate
We studied numerically the heat transfer in flow over a rotationally oscillating cylinder at a subcritical Reynolds number (Re=1.4×105) that is an order of magnitude higher than previously reported in the literature. This paper is a follow-up of the earlier study of hy
Turbulent jets are known to support large-scale vortical wave packets traveling downstream. We show that a propagating helical wave represents a common form of the "optimal" eigenfunction tracking these structures from the near to the far field of a round jet issuing from a pipe.
Flow around a confined cylinder
LES and PIV study
We study the flow over a cylinder placed between two parallel rigid walls using Large-eddy simulations and Particle Image Velocimetry. The Reynolds number based on the inflow velocity and diameter of the cylinder is 3750 corresponding to the subcritical regime with laminar separa
Relevance. Characteristics of separated turbulent streams are of great importance when designing effective hydroand thermal power plants equipment. In such streams the flow regimes with harmful quasi-periodic high-amplitude oscillations of velocity and pressure behind the body ar