Heat transfer in flow around a rotary oscillating cylinder at a high subcritical Reynolds number

A computational study

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We studied numerically the heat transfer in flow over a rotationally oscillating cylinder at a subcritical Reynolds number (Re=1.4×105) that is an order of magnitude higher than previously reported in the literature. This paper is a follow-up of the earlier study of hydrodynamics and drag force in a range of forcing frequencies and amplitudes (Palkin et al., 2018). This time we focus on heat transfer and its correlation with the observed flow field and vortical patterns. Four forcing frequencies f=fe/f0=0,1,2.5,4 for two forcing amplitudes Ω=ΩeD/2U=1 and 2 are considered, where f0 is the natural vortex-shedding frequency, U the free-stream velocity and D the cylinder diameter. The parametric study was performed by solving three-dimensional unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (URANS) equations closed by a wall-integrated second-moment (Re-stress) model, verified earlier by Large-eddy simulations and experiments in several reference cases including flows over a stagnant, as well as rotary oscillating cylinders at the same Re number. The thermal field, treated as a passive scalar, was obtained from the simultaneous solution of the energy equation, closed by the standard (GGDH) anisotropic eddy-diffusivity model. The computations showed that for the unforced cylinder heat transfer is characterized by very high local rates due to a strong thinning of the thermal boundary layer as a result of the impact and interactions of large coherent structures with the wall. The overall average Nusselt number does not change much for the forced cylinder but its time-averaged, phase-averaged and instantaneous circumferential profiles show some profound differences compared to the stationary cylinder. The distribution of Nu on the back surface becomes more uniform with less frequent occurrence of high values, especially for the higher frequencies f=2.5 and f=4. This is attributed to diminishing of the mean-recirculation zone as well as to the overall suppression of turbulent fluctuations. The rotary oscillation of the cylinder appears potentially efficient in achieving a more uniform circumferential distribution of Nu and avoiding local overheats and hot spots.


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