Michał Horodecki
5 records found
The second law of thermodynamics places constraints on state transformations. It applies to systems composed of many particles, however, we are seeing that one can formulate laws of thermodynamics when only a small number of particles are interacting with a heat bath. Is there a
We show that there exist bipartite quantum states which contain a large locked classical correlation that is unlocked by a disproportionately small amount of classical communication. In particular, there are [Formula presented]-qubit states for which a one-bit message doubles the
We introduce a measure of both quantum as well as classical correlations in a quantum state, the entanglement of purification. We show that the (regularized) entanglement of purification is equal to the entanglement cost of creating a state ρ asymptotically from maximally entangl
We derive the general formula for the capacity of a noiseless quantum channel assisted by an arbitrary amount of noisy entanglement. In this capacity formula, the ratio of the quantum mutual information and the von Neumann entropy of the sender's share of the noisy entanglement p
We give a detailed proof of the conjecture that the asymptotic entanglement cost of preparing a state ρ is equal to limn→∞ E f (ρ⊗n)/n where E f is the entanglement of formation.@en