John A. Smolin
11 records found
We show that there exist bipartite quantum states which contain a large locked classical correlation that is unlocked by a disproportionately small amount of classical communication. In particular, there are [Formula presented]-qubit states for which a one-bit message doubles the
Security trade-offs have previously been established for one-way bit commitment. We study this trade-off in two superselection settings. We show that for an 'abelian' superselection rule (exemplified by particle conservation), the standard trade-off between sealing and binding pr
We explore the relation between the rank of a bipartite density matrix and the existence of bound entanglement. We show a relation between the rank, marginal ranks, and distillability of a mixed state and use this to prove that any rank n bound entangled state must have support o
We report new results and generalizations of our work on unextendible product bases (UPB), uncompletable product bases and bound entanglement. We present a new construction for bound entangled states based on product bases which are only completable in a locally extended Hilbert
Quantum teleportation uses prior entanglement and forward classical communication to transmit one instance of an unknown quantum state. Remote state preparation (RSP) has the same goal, but the sender knows classically what state is to be transmitted. We show that the asymptotic
An even stronger effect that bound entangled states can have is presented; states which are conjectured to be undistillable become distillable by adding positive partial transpose (PPT) bound entanglement. These conjectured bound entangled states are referred to as negative parti
We exhibit a two-parameter family of bipartite mixed states [Formula Presented] in a [Formula Presented] Hilbert space, which are negative under partial transposition (NPT), but for which we conjecture that no maximally entangled pure states in [Formula Presented] can be distille
An unextendible product basis (UPB) for a multipartite quantum system is an incomplete orthogonal product basis whose complementary subspace contains no product state. We give examples of UPBs, and show that the uniform mixed state over the subspace complementary to any UPB is a
We study the physical quantum resources required to implement general quantum operations, and provide bounds on the minimum possible size which an environment must be in order to perform certain quantum operations. We prove that contrary to a previous conjecture, not all quantum
We show that no source encoding is needed in the definition of the capacity of a quantum channel for carrying quantum information. This allows us to use the coherent information maximized over all sources and block sizes, but not encodings, to bound the quantum capacity. We perfo
We present a class of fast quantum algorithms, based on Bernstein and Vazirani’s parity problem, that retrieves the entire contents of a quantum database [Formula Presented] in a single query. The class includes binary search problems and coin-weighing problems. We compare the ef