Michael Elwardany
5 records found
Glass transition parameters can be used to study the miscibility, or lack of it, in polymer-modified asphalt binders. In this study, the contribution of thermodynamics of mixing to glass transition was quantitatively assessed in a differential scanning calorimeter for four asphal
The RILEM TC 272 PIM (Phase and Interphase behaviour of innovative bituminous Materials) β TG1 Binder has initiated an inter-laboratory program investigating the phase and interphase behaviour of bituminous binders. Five laboratories evaluated the low temperature properties of se
The glass transition parameters are used to study the miscibility, or lack of it, in polymer modified asphalt binders. In this study, a quantitative assessment of the contribution of thermodynamics of mixing to glass transition was conducted in a differential scanning calorimetry
InfraRed spectrometry is a powerful technique to characterise bituminous binders. The methodology is not fully harmonised and may lead to vari-ability. The RILEM-272-PIM-TG1, evaluated seven complex bituminous, for which eleven laboratories performed FTIR. While, the spectra show
The RILEM TC 272 PIM (Phase and Interphase behavior of innovative bituminous Materials)βTG1 Binder has initiated an inter-laboratory program investigating the phase and interphase behaviour of bituminous binders. Within the scope, four laboratories evaluated the low temperature p