10 records found
Corrigendum to "Silica and silicate precipitation as limiting factors in high-recovery reverse osmosis operations" [J. Membr. Sci. 423-424 (2012) 1-10]
Towards zero liquid discharge in the presence of silica: Stable 98% recovery in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis
Towards zero liquid discharge in drinking water production
Three strategies to treat reverse osmosis brine and cation exchange spent regenerant to increase system recovery
Silica removal to prevent silica scaling in reverse osmosis membranes
Amorphous aluminosilicate scaling characterization in a reverse osmosis membrane
Silica and silicate precipitartion as limiting factors in high-recovery reverse osmosis operations
High recovery in reverse osmosis
Solubility of cannabidiol and cannabigerol in supercritical carbon dioxide (MSc thesis: P&E-2354)