L. F.M. da Silva
6 records found
Effects of cyclic ageing frequencies on the ageing and mechanical behaviour of adhesive materials
Experimental analysis and numerical study
In marine structures adhesive joint structures are often exposed to cyclic conditioning where the ambient humidity changes cyclically during their service. Though some comprehensive studies on the aging of adhesives exist, these researches mainly focus on monotonic aging conditio
When a composite laminate is subjected to humidity, moisture diffusion occurs depending on the number and thickness of the lamina. Water diffusion changes the mechanical response of laminates and usually causes a significant reduction of the mechanical properties of the composite
Adhesive joints are frequently exposed to cyclic ageing conditions during their service life, which can have a substantial impact on the mechanical properties of both the adhesive and the substrates. The safe life philosophy, commonly employed in the design of bonded joints, unde
The adhesive layer in the adhesive joints can experience different modes of loading. Although the fracture energy of adhesive is generally considered to be a material parameter, it is found to be a function of the joint configuration too. Thus, to accurately simulate the behaviou
In some industrial applications, adhesive joints are cyclically exposed to a moist environment, where cyclic moisture absorption and desorption can significantly alter the fracture energy of the bonded joints. Most previous studies are based on monotonic aging conditions, while t
Nowadays, dissimilar adhesive joints are used widely in different industrial sectors. For this type of joints, the investigation of the fracture behaviour under pure mode I loading is a vital issue. In order to study mode I fracture parameters of adhesive joints, scientists have