Jean David Fermanian
8 records found
Several procedures have been recently proposed to test the simplifying assumption for conditional copulas. Instead of considering pointwise conditioning events, we study the constancy of the conditional dependence structure when some covariates belong to general Borel conditionin
This article deals with robust inference for parametric copula models. Estimation using canonical maximum likelihood might be unstable, especially in the presence of outliers. We propose to use a procedure based on the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) principle. We derive nonasympt
We study the weak convergence of conditional empirical copula processes indexed by general families of conditioning events that have non zero probabilities. Moreover, we also study the case where the conditioning events are chosen in a data-driven way. The validity of several boo
Meta-elliptical copulas are often proposed to model dependence between the components of a random vector. They are specified by a correlation matrix and a map g, called density generator. While the latter correlation matrix can easily be estimated from pseudo-samples of observati
Conditional Kendall's tau is a measure of dependence between two random variables, conditionally on some covariates. We assume a regression-type relationship between conditional Kendall's tau and some covariates, in a parametric setting with a large number of transformations of a
It is shown how the problem of estimating conditional Kendall's tau can be rewritten as a classification task. Conditional Kendall's tau is a conditional dependence parameter that is a characteristic of a given pair of random variables. The goal is to predict whether the pair is
On kernel-based estimation of conditional Kendall's tau
Finite-distance bounds and asymptotic behavior
We study nonparametric estimators of conditional Kendall's tau, a measure of concordance between two random variables given some covariates. We prove non-asymptotic pointwise and uniform bounds, that hold with high probabilities. We provide "direct proofs" of the consistency and
We discuss the so-called "simplifying assumption" of conditional copulas in a general framework. We introduce several tests of the latter assumption for non- and semiparametric copula models. Some related test procedures based on conditioning subsets instead of point-wise events