Estimation of Copulas via Maximum Mean Discrepancy

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This article deals with robust inference for parametric copula models. Estimation using canonical maximum likelihood might be unstable, especially in the presence of outliers. We propose to use a procedure based on the maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) principle. We derive nonasymptotic oracle inequalities, consistency and asymptotic normality of this new estimator. In particular, the oracle inequality holds without any assumption on the copula family, and can be applied in the presence of outliers or under misspecification. Moreover, in our MMD framework, the statistical inference of copula models for which there exists no density with respect to the Lebesgue measure on (Formula presented.), as the Marshall-Olkin copula, becomes feasible. A simulation study shows the robustness of our new procedures, especially compared to pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation. An R package implementing the MMD estimator for copula models is available. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.


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