T. Wu
4 records found
To support building permit issuing with automatic digital tools, the reuse of models produced by designers would make the process quicker and more objective. However, current studies and pilots often leave a gap with respect to the models as actually provided by architects, havin
Gedetailleerde modellen van gebouwen (BIM) worden als waardevol gezien in combinatie met geo-data. Met behulp van virtuele modellen van nieuwe gebouwen (of delen ervan) kan de impact van scenario’s worden doorgerekend op bijvoorbeeld energie, geluid of wind. Al tijdens de ontwerp
Geobim for digital building permit process
Learning from a case study in Rotterdam
Among the digitalization processes which are being raised in Europe and in the world, the building permit process is seen as one of the priorities by municipalities, governmental institutions and standardization organizations. However, in current practice, the building permit iss
As in many countries, in The Netherlands governmental organisations are acquiring 3D city models to support their public tasks. However, this is still being done within individual organisation, resulting in differences in 3D city models within one country and sometimes covering t