Henriët van Middendorp
17 records found
Objectives: Placebo effects can relieve acute and chronic pain in both research and clinical treatments by learning mechanisms. However, the application of placebo-based treatment strategies in routine medical care is questioned. The current study investigated the opinions of pat
Nocebo hyperalgesia and other expectancy-related factors in daily fibromyalgia pain
Combining experimental and electronic diary methods
Objective: Expectancies are known to shape pain experiences, but it remains unclear how different types of expectancies contribute to daily pain fluctuations in fibromyalgia. This combined experimental and diary study aims to provide insights into how experimentally-derived noceb
OBJECTIVES: The current paper explores the psychological predictors of nocebo hyperalgesia and whether the reduction of nocebo hyperalgesia can be predicted by susceptibility to nocebo hyperalgesia and psychological characteristics. METHODS: Nocebo effects on pressure pain were f
eHealth to Improve Psychological Functioning and Self-Management of People With Chronic Kidney Disease
A Randomized Controlled Trial
Objective Psychological distress is common among patients with chronic kidney disease and can interfere with disease self-management. We assessed the effectiveness of the personalized E-GOAL electronic health care pathway with screening and cognitive-behavioral therapy including
Implicit gender bias in the diagnosis and treatment of type 2 diabetes
A randomized online study
Aims: Implicit gender biases (IGBs) are unconscious evaluations about a person based on gender. IGBs of healthcare providers may affect medical decision making. This study investigated whether IGBs and genders of patients and general practitioners (GPs) influence diagnostics and
The Optimal Learning Cocktail for Placebo Analgesia
A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Individual and Combined Techniques
This study investigated for the first time the effects of individual and combined application of 3 learning techniques (verbal suggestions, classical conditioning, and observational learning) on placebo analgesia and extinction. Healthy participants (N = 206) were assigned to 8 d
Psychological Distress and Self-Management in CKD
A Cross-Sectional Study
Rationale & Objective: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) not receiving dialysis, including kidney transplant recipients, often experience difficulties regarding self-management. An important barrier for adherence to self-management recommendations may be the presence
Conditioning of the Cortisol Awakening Response in Healthy Men
Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial
Background: The hormone cortisol plays important roles in human circadian and stress physiology and is an interesting target for interventions. Cortisol varies not only in response to stress but also as part of a diurnal rhythm. It shows a particularly sharp increase immediately
Nocebo Hyperalgesia in Patients With Fibromyalgia and Healthy Controls
An Experimental Investigation of Conditioning and Extinction Processes at Baseline and 1-Month Follow-up
Nocebo effects are adverse treatment outcomes that are not ascribed to active treatment components. Potentially, their magnitude might be higher in patients with chronic pain compared to healthy controls since patients likely experience treatment failure more frequently. The curr
Background: Nocebo effects can adversely affect the experience of physical symptoms, such as pain and itch. Nocebo effects on itch and pain have shown to be induced by conditioning with thermal heat stimuli and reduced by counterconditioning. However, open-label counterconditioni
Increasing the Effectiveness of a Physical Activity Smartphone Intervention With Positive Suggestions
Randomized Controlled Trial
BACKGROUND: eHealth interventions have the potential to increase the physical activity of users. However, their effectiveness varies, and they often have only short-term effects. A possible way of enhancing their effectiveness is to increase the positive outcome expectations of u
Counterconditioning as Treatment to Reduce Nocebo Effects in Persistent Physical Symptoms
Treatment Protocol and Study Design
Persistent physical symptoms have a high prevalence and a large impact for patients and society. To date, treatment effects for these symptoms are often limited. Nocebo effects (i.e., negative outcomes that are not attributable to active treatment components) have a substantial i
Background: Progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD) may be delayed if patients engage in healthy lifestyle behaviors. However, lifestyle adherence is very difficult and may be influenced by problems in psychosocial functioning. This qualitative study was performed to gain ins
Introduction: Placebo and nocebo effects are positive and negative health outcomes that can be elicited by the psychosocial context. They can be mediated by expectations, and may emerge in somatic symptoms even when people are aware of these effects. Interindividual differences (
Placebo effects in low back pain
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the literature
Background and Objective: The current treatments of primary musculoskeletal low back pain (LBP) have a low to moderate efficacy, which might be improved by looking at the contribution of placebo effects. However, the size of true placebo effects in LBP is unknown. Therefore, a sy
Many patients with lifestyle-related chronic diseases find it difficult to adhere to a healthy and active lifestyle, often due to psychosocial difficulties. The aim of the current study was to develop an eHealth care pathway aimed at detecting and treating psychosocial and lifest
There is initial support for the effectiveness of approach-avoidance trainings in altering food-related health behaviors. Furthermore, outcome expectancies induced by verbal suggestions might optimize the effectiveness of these interventions, as shown in placebo research. The pre