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JL Tauritz
Academic Work (16)
Conference paper (9)
Journal article (2)
Report (5)
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16 records found
A novel method for characterizing RF autometed tuners
Conference paper (2001) -
M. Spirito (author)
P Valk (author)
R Mahmoudi (author)
M de Kok (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Analysis and modelling of circular spiral transformers
Report (2000) -
B. Rajaei Salmasi (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
JN Burghartz (author)
Bipolar transistor epilayer design using the MAIDS mixed-level simulator
Journal article (2000) -
Leo C.N. De Vreede (author)
HC de Graaff (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
JA Willemen (author)
WD van Noort (author)
HFF Jos (author)
LE Larson (author)
JW Slotboom (author)
Spread spectrum cummunication system performance optimization besed on collector epilayer engineering
Conference paper (2000) -
R Mahmoudi (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
JN Burghartz (author)
Large signal modeling and verification of silicon RF power transistors
Conference paper (1999) -
R Tinti (author)
K. Mouthaan (author)
HC de Graaff (author)
JW Slotboom (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Characterization and verification of WCDMA power amplifiers
Conference paper (1999) -
R Mahmoudi (author)
M. Spirito (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
A new model for Si-based circular spiral inductors
Conference paper (1999) -
B. Rajaei Salmasi (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
JN Burghartz (author)
Active inductors and filters realized in the third run
Report (1999) -
MJ Martin-Martinez (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Analysis of circular spiral inductors on CMOS substrates
Conference paper (1999) -
B. Rajaei Salmasi (author)
DC van der Pol (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Integral measurement system design using HP's advanced design system
Conference paper (1999) -
P Valk (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Implementation of the concentric-ring model of spiral inductors within the microwave design system (MDS)
Report (1999) -
B. Rajaei Salmasi (author)
K. Mouthaan (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Bipolar transistor epilayer design using the MAIDS mixed level simulator
Report (1999) -
Leo C.N. De Vreede (author)
HC de Graaff (author)
JA Willemen (author)
WD van Noort (author)
HFF Jos (author)
LE Larson (author)
JW Slotboom (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Optimization of Si-based circular spiral inductors
Report (1999) -
B. Rajaei Salmasi (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
Silicon monolithic balanced oscillators using on-chip suspended active resonators [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Conference paper (1998) -
Y. Sun (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
RGF Baets (author)
CDMA related circuit design, simulation, measurement and verification [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Conference paper (1998) -
R Mahmoudi (author)
P Valk (author)
JL Tauritz (author)
A five-port deembedding method for floating two-port networks [niet eerder opgevoerd]
Journal article (1998) -
R Mahmoudi (author)
JL Tauritz (author)