Joost Delsman

4 records found


We present a systematic approach for salinity sensor placement in a polder network, where the objective is to estimate the unmeasured salinity levels in the main polder channels. We formulate this problem as optimization of the estimated salinity levels using root mean square err ...
Worldwide, delta areas are under stress due to climate change. With rising sea
levels and decreasing freshwater availability, surface water salinization due to
groundwater exfiltration is expected to increase in these low-lying areas. To
counteract surface water salin ...
Saline groundwater exfiltration to surface water increases the surface water salinization and degrades the surface water quality in low-lying deltaic areas. The use of surface water will be less appropriate for agricultural, industrial and drinking water production due to saliniz ...
Surface water salinization in deltaic areas due to saline groundwater exfiltration is an important issue. Saline surface water will not be appropriate for drinking water production, agricultural and industrial use, and therefore, freshwater diverted from rivers is used for flushi ...