B.E. Aydin

15 records found


A significant increase in surface water salinization in low-lying deltas is expected globally due to saline groundwater exfiltration driven by rising sea levels and decreasing freshwater availability. Sustaining fresh water-dependent agriculture in such areas will entail an in ...

POLDERS are low-lying and artificially drained areas surrounded bywater storage canals. In low-lying delta areas such as theMississippi delta in Louisiana (USA), the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta (Bangladesh), or the Rhine-Meuse delta (The Netherlands), polders experience surface wate ...
We present a systematic approach for salinity sensor placement in a polder network, where the objective is to estimate the unmeasured salinity levels in the main polder channels. We formulate this problem as optimization of the estimated salinity levels using root mean square err ...
Worldwide, delta areas are under stress due to climate change. With rising sea
levels and decreasing freshwater availability, surface water salinization due to
groundwater exfiltration is expected to increase in these low-lying areas. To
counteract surface water salin ...
Surface water salinization in deltaic areas due to saline groundwater exfiltration is an important issue. Fresh water diverted from the rivers is used for flushing the canals and the ditches in coastal areas to remove the low quality saline surface water mixed with saline groundw ...
Model predictive control (MPC) is one of the most popular control techniques that has been widely used in many fields of water resources management, such as canal control for drainage, irrigation, and navigation. MPC uses an internal mathematical model to describe system dynamics ...
Surface water salinization in deltaic areas due to saline groundwater exfiltration is an important issue. Saline surface water will not be appropriate for drinking water production, agricultural and industrial use, and therefore, freshwater diverted from rivers is used for flushi ...
Saline groundwater exfiltration to surface water increases the surface water salinization and degrades the surface water quality in low-lying deltaic areas. The use of surface water will be less appropriate for agricultural, industrial and drinking water production due to saliniz ...

Polder Flushing

Model Predictive Control of Flushing Operations to Effective and Real Time Control of Salinity in Polders

More than 35% of the world’s population live within 100 km of the coast. Groundwater resources in these areas are the main source for domestic, industrial and agricultural use. Worldwide, deltaic areas are under stress due to climate change, sea level increase and decrease in fre ...
Open water systems such as irrigation canals are used to transport and deliver water from the source to the user.Water loss in these systems by seepage, leakage, evaporation, or unknown water offtakes can be large. If this loss is unknown to the model used, it will not be conside ...
Model predictive control (MPC) is a powerful control option which is increasingly used by operational water managers for managing water systems. The explicit consideration of constraints and multi-objective management are important features of MPC. However, due to the water loss ...
Model predictive control (MPC) is a powerful tool which is used more and more to managing water systems such as reservoirs over a short-term prediction horizon. However, due to unknown disturbances present in the water system and other uncertainties, there is always a mismatch be ...


In deep polders in the Netherlands the dominant mechanism of salinization is via intense seepage through boils. These are local connections between the surface water and a deep saline aquifer. The study area of this research is the Lissertocht. This catchment, which is located in ...