Jeffrey M. Spraggins

20 records found


The lack of standardization in antibody validation remains a major contributor to irreproducibility of human research. To address this, we have applied a standardized approach to validate a panel of antibodies to identify 18 major cell types and 5 extracellular matrix compartm ...

The glomerulus is a multicellular functional tissue unit (FTU) of the nephron that is responsible for blood filtration. Each glomerulus contains multiple substructures and cell types that are crucial for their function. To understand normal aging and disease in kidneys, method ...

MALDI IMS-Derived Molecular Contour Maps

Augmenting Histology Whole-Slide Images

Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) provides untargeted, highly multiplexed maps of molecular distributions in tissue. Ion images are routinely presented as heatmaps and can be overlaid onto complementary microscopy images that provide greater context. However, heatmaps use transp ...

The Human BioMolecular Atlas Program (HuBMAP) aims to create a multi-scale spatial atlas of the healthy human body at single-cell resolution by applying advanced technologies and disseminating resources to the community. As the HuBMAP moves past its first phase, creating ontol ...

Spatially targeted proteomics analyzes the proteome of specific cell types and functional regions within tissue. While spatial context is often essential to understanding biological processes, interpreting sub-region-specific protein profiles can pose a challenge due to the hi ...

Gangliosides are acidic glycosphingolipids, containing ceramide moieties and oligosaccharide chains with one or more sialic acid residue(s) and are highly diverse isomeric structures with distinct biological roles. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization imaging mass spect ...

Introduction: Although Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of biofilm-related infections, the lipidomic distributions within these biofilms is poorly understood. Here, lipidomic mapping of S. aureus biofilm cross-sections was performed to investigate heterogeneity betwe ...

Bacterial pathogens have evolved virulence factors to colonize, replicate, and disseminate within the vertebrate host. Although there is an expanding body of literature describing how bacterial pathogens regulate their virulence repertoire in response to environmental signals, ...

The search for molecular species that are differentially expressed between biological states is an important step towards discovering promising biomarker candidates. In imaging mass spectrometry (IMS), performing this search manually is often impractical due to the large size ...

We demonstrate the utility of combining silicon nanopost arrays (NAPA) and trapped ion mobility imaging mass spectrometry (TIMS IMS) for high spatial resolution and specificity mapping of neutral lipid classes in tissue. Ionization of neutral lipid species such as triglyceride ...

Low molecular weight metabolites are essential for defining the molecular phenotypes of cells. However, spatial metabolomics tools often lack the sensitivity, specify, and spatial resolution to provide comprehensive descriptions of these species in tissue. MALDI imaging mass s ...

Identifying the spatial distributions of biomolecules in tissue is crucial for understanding integrated function. Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) allows simultaneous mapping of thousands of biosynthetic products such as lipids but has needed a means of identifying specific cel ...

Lipids are a structurally diverse class of molecules with important biological functions including cellular signaling and energy storage. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) allows for direct mapping of biomolecules in tissues. F ...

Metals play an essential role in biological systems and are required as structural or catalytic co-factors in many proteins. Disruption of the homeostatic control and/or spatial distributions of metals can lead to disease. Imaging technologies have been developed to visualize ...

Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) enables the spatially targeted molecular assessment of biological tissues at cellular resolutions. New developments and technologies are essential for uncovering the molecular drivers of native physiological function and disease. Instrumentation ...

Diseases are characterized by distinct changes in tissue molecular distribution. Molecular analysis of intact tissues traditionally requires preexisting knowledge of, and reagents for, the targets of interest. Conversely, label-free discovery of disease-Associated tissue analy ...

The molecular identification of species of interest is an important part of an imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) experiment. The high resolution accurate mass capabilities of Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS) have recently been shown to faci ...

An understanding of how cells respond to perturbation is essential for biological applications; however, most approaches for profiling cellular response are limited in scope to pre-established targets. Global analysis of molecular mechanism will advance our understanding of th ...

Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is a molecular imaging technology that can measure thousands of biomolecules concurrently without prior tagging, making it particularly suitable for exploratory research. However, the data size and dimensionality often makes thorough extraction ...

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death. Beyond first line treatment, few therapeutic options are available, particularly for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Here, we have explored the phospholipidomes of 30 human SCCs and found that they almost invariably (in 96.7% of ...