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SAPL Cloetingh
Academic Work (17)
Abstract (3)
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Conference paper (5)
Journal article (8)
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17 records found
Linking dynamic elastic parameters to static state of stress
Journal article (2005) -
S Tigrek (author)
E.C. Slob (author)
E. Slob (author)
Evert Slob (author)
EC Slob (author)
Evert C. Slob (author)
Evert C Slob (author)
Evert Cornelis Slob (author)
MWP Dillen (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
Jacob T. Fokkema (author)
J.T. Fokkema (author)
Towards a plausible quantitative geologic model for seimic interpretation and modeling
Conference paper (2005) -
S Tigrek (author)
Evert C. Slob (author)
Evert Slob (author)
EC Slob (author)
Evert C Slob (author)
E. Slob (author)
Evert Cornelis Slob (author)
E.C. Slob (author)
F Beekman (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
J.T. Fokkema (author)
Jacob T. Fokkema (author)
The role of angle dependent reflection coefficients in seismic reflecton data to deterine the local state of stress
Conference paper (2003) -
S Tigrek (author)
E.C. Slob (author)
E. Slob (author)
Evert Slob (author)
EC Slob (author)
Evert C. Slob (author)
Evert C Slob (author)
Evert Cornelis Slob (author)
MWP Dillen (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
Jacob T. Fokkema (author)
J.T. Fokkema (author)
TECTOP-probing tectonic topography at the aftermath of continental convergence in the Pannonian-Carpathian system; geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography
Conference paper (2003) -
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
F Horvath (author)
C Dinu (author)
RA Stephenson (author)
G. Bertotti (author)
Giovanni V. Bertotti (author)
Giovanni Bertotti (author)
G Bada (author)
L Matenco (author)
D Garcia-Catellanos (author)
ISES-CARFOR: acquisition, processing and results from preliminary interpretation of four shallow seismic lines in the Focsani basin; geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the Carpathian arc and its foreland: environmental tectonics and continental topography
Conference paper (2003) -
K Leever (author)
G. Bertotti (author)
Giovanni V. Bertotti (author)
Giovanni Bertotti (author)
L Matenco (author)
I Panea (author)
G.G. Drijkoningen (author)
Guy Drijkoningen (author)
Guy Drijkoningen (author)
G. Drijkoningen (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
Probing tectonic topography in the aftermath of continental convergence in Central Europe
Journal article (2003) -
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
F Horvath (author)
C Dinu (author)
RA Stephenson (author)
Giovanni V. Bertotti (author)
Giovanni Bertotti (author)
G. Bertotti (author)
G Bada (author)
L Matenco (author)
D Garcia (author)
J.T. Fokkema (author)
Jacob T. Fokkema (author)
G. Drijkoningen (author)
G.G. Drijkoningen (author)
Guy Drijkoningen (author)
Guy Drijkoningen (author)
Post-orogenic subsidence and uplift of the carpathian belt: an integrated approach
Abstract (2003) -
G. Bertotti (author)
Giovanni Bertotti (author)
Giovanni V. Bertotti (author)
L Matenco (author)
G.G. Drijkoningen (author)
G. Drijkoningen (author)
Guy Drijkoningen (author)
Guy Drijkoningen (author)
W. Krijgsman (author)
M Tarapoanca (author)
I Panea (author)
I Vasiliev (author)
M Milea (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
TECTOP - probing tectonic topography at the aftermath of continental convergence in the Pannonian-Carpathian system
Abstract (2003) -
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
F Horvath (author)
RA Stephenson (author)
Giovanni Bertotti (author)
Giovanni V. Bertotti (author)
G. Bertotti (author)
G Bada (author)
L Matenco (author)
An integrated approach to basin modelling: integrating numerical basin modelling tools and high-resolution seismic reflection data analysis
Abstract (2003) -
S Tigrek (author)
E.C. Slob (author)
E. Slob (author)
Evert Slob (author)
EC Slob (author)
Evert C. Slob (author)
Evert C Slob (author)
Evert Cornelis Slob (author)
MWP Dillen (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
Jacob T. Fokkema (author)
J.T. Fokkema (author)
An integrated approach to basin analysis
Conference paper (2002) -
S Tigrek (author)
Evert C. Slob (author)
Evert Slob (author)
EC Slob (author)
Evert C Slob (author)
E. Slob (author)
Evert Cornelis Slob (author)
E.C. Slob (author)
F Beekman (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
J.T. Fokkema (author)
Jacob T. Fokkema (author)
Role of topography-induced gravitational stresses in basin inversion: the case study of the Pannonian basin
Journal article (2001) -
G Bada (author)
F Horvath (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
DD Coblentz (author)
T Toth (author)
Lithospheric memory and polyphase deformation of the Pannonian basin system
Journal article (2001) -
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
Evidence for an active sinistral shear zone in the Western Alboran region
Journal article (2001) -
B Andeweg (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
3D fllexural modeling of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberia)
Journal article (2001) -
JM Gaspar-Escribano (author)
JD van Wees (author)
M Ter Voorde (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
E Roca (author)
A Cabrera (author)
JA Munoz (author)
PA Ziegler (author)
D Garca-Castellano (author)
Melt generation at volcanic continental margins: no need for a mantle plume?
Journal article (2001) -
JW van Wijk (author)
RS Huismans (author)
M Ter Voorde (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
Peri-Tethyan platforms: constraints on dynamics of rifting and basin inversion
Book chapter (2001) -
PA Ziegler (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)
R Guirand (author)
GM Stampfli (author)
The transition from passive to active rifting: relative importance of asthenospheric doming and passive extension of the lithosphere
Journal article (2001) -
RS Huismans (author)
YY Podladchikov (author)
SAPL Cloetingh (author)