Piero Fraternali

36 records found


Modern software project repositories provide support for both source code and design models that describe in details the data structure, behavior, and components of an application. We propose a graph matching-based technique between software models to address content-based query ...
This chapter focuses on the visualization of multi-domain search results. We start by positioning the problem in the recent line of evolution of search engine interfaces, which more and more are capable of mining semantic concepts and associations from text data and presenting th ...
Search-Based Web Applications are configurable and customizable platforms for multimedia search over the Web. This paper describes the results of the integration of an annotation component for automatic face recognition within a configurable multimedia Web search platform. We int ...
Search Computing defines a new class of applications, which enable end users to perform exploratory search processes over multi-domain data sources available on the Web. These applications exploit suitable models, supported by a framework, that make it possible for expert users t ...

Chapter 13

Liquid queries and liquid results in search computing

Liquid queries are a flexible tool for information seeking, based on the progressive exploration of the search space; they produce "fluid" results which dynamically adapt to the shape of the query, as a liquid adapts to its container. The liquid query paradigm relies on the Se ...

Project repositories are a central asset in software development, as they preserve the technical knowledge gathered in past development activities. However, locating relevant information in a vast project repository is problematic, because it requires manually tagging projects wi ...

Chapter 8

Multimedia and multimodal information retrieval

The Web is progressively becoming a multimedia content delivery platform. This trend poses severe challenges to the information retrieval theories, techniques and tools. This chapter defines the problem of multimedia information retrieval with its challenges and application areas ...

Liquid query

Multi-domain exploratory search on the web

In this paper we propose the Liquid Query paradigm, to support users in finding responses to multi-domain queries through exploratory information seeking across structured information sources (Web documents, deep Web data, and personal data repositories), wrapped by means of a ...

Search computing

Managing complex search queries

Search computing focuses on building answers to complex search queries (for example, "Where can I attend an interesting conference in my field near a sunny beach?") by interacting with a constellation of cooperating search services, and using result ranking and joining as the ...

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs) have introduced powerful novel functionalities into the Web architecture, borrowed from client-server and desktop applications. The resulting platforms allow designers to improve the user's experience, by exploiting client-side data and computati ...
PHAROS is an EU-founded project aimed at building a platform for advanced audiovisual search applications. In this demo we show the application of a Model-Driven Development (MDD) approach to the PHAROS demonstrator, which consists of an audio-visual Web search portal. The demo h ...

As the Web becomes a platform for multimedia content fruition, audiovisual search assumes a central role in providing users with the content most adequate to their information needs. A key issue for enabling audiovisual search is extracting indexable knowledge from opaque medi ...

Towards Web 2.0 applications

A conceptual model for rich internet applications

This chapter introduces a conceptual model for the design of Web 2.0 applications relying on rich Internet application (RIA) technologies. RIAs extend Web application features by allowing computation to be partitioned between the client and the server and support core Web 2.0 req ...


An audiovisual search platform

This paper presents our research activities on the design of Web 2.0 applications currently ongoing at Politecnico di Milano. Our approaches are based on model-driven development techniques: in particular, they extend Web 1.0 models to cope with the technological characteristics ...

With the advent of the Web, search has become the prominent paradigm for information seeking, both across the online space and within enterprises. Search frameworks and components can be used to build search-based applications in the most diverse vertical fields. This paper ex ...

Rich Internet applications (RIAs) enable novel usage scenarios by overcoming the traditional paradigms of Web interaction. Conventional Web applications can be seen as reactive systems in which events are 1) produced by the user acting upon the browser HTML interface, and 2) p ...

This paper proposes an innovative use of a mix of networking standards and software implementation technologies for the design of industrial Human Machine Interface (HMI) systems. We describe how well known technologies and practices can be transferred from internet-based arch ...

This paper addresses conceptual modeling and automatic code generation for Rich Internet Applications, a variant of Web-based systems bridging desktop and thin-client Web interfaces. We show how classical Web modeling concepts are not enough to capture the specificity of RIAs, ex ...
This work addresses conceptual modeling and automatic code generation for Rich Internet Applications, a variant of Web-based systems bridging the gap between desktop and Web interfaces. The approach we propose is a first step towards a full integration of RIA paradigms into the W ...