Stefano Ceri

23 records found


Exploratory search is an information seeking behavior where users progressively learn about one or more topics of interest; it departs quite radically from traditional keyword-based query paradigms, as it combines querying and browsing of resources, and covers activities such as ...
n essential aspect for building effective crowdsourcing com- putations is the ability of "controlling the crowd", i.e. of dynamically adapting the behaviour of the crowdsourcing systems as response to the quantity and quality of completed tasks or to the availability and reliabil ...

Choosing the right crowd

Expert finding in social networks

Expert selection is an important aspect of many Web applications, e.g., when they aim at matching contents, tasks or advertisement based on user profiles, possibly retrieved from social networks.

This paper focuses on selecting experts within the population of social net ...

Extending search to crowds

A model-driven approach

In many settings, the human opinion provided by an expert or knowledgeable user can be more useful than factual information retrieved by a search engine. Search systems do not capture the subjective opinions and recommendations of friends, or fresh, online-provided information th ...
Recent years witnessed an exponential increase in the number of data services available on the Web. Many popular Web sites, including social networks, offer API for interacting with their information, and open data initiative such as the Linked Data project promise to achieve the ...

Web users are increasingly relying on social interaction to complete and validate the results of their search activities. While search systems are superior machines to get world-wide information, the opinions collected within friends and expert/local communities can ultimately ...

Search computing

Multi-domain search on ranked data

We demonstrate the Search Computing framework for multi-domain queries upon ranked data collected from Web sources. Search Computing answers to queries like "Find a good Jazz concert close to a specified location, a good restaurant and a hotel at walking distance" and fills the g ...
Search Computing (SeCo) aims at building search applications that bridge the gap between general-purpose and vertical search engines. SeCo queries extract ranked information about several interconnected domains, such as "hotels", "restaurants" or "concerts", by interacting with W ...
This chapter focuses on the visualization of multi-domain search results. We start by positioning the problem in the recent line of evolution of search engine interfaces, which more and more are capable of mining semantic concepts and associations from text data and presenting th ...
Current search engines do not support queries that require a complex combination of information. Problems such as "Which theatre offers an at least-three-stars action movie in London close to a good Italian restaurant" can only be solved by asking multiple queries, possibly to di ...
This paper reports the main findings of a panel about trends in search engine interaction, focused upon the use of search engines for performing complex processes. The discussion focuses on the different evolutionary path followed by search engines with respect to other Web and i ...
We demonstrate Liquid Queries, a novel user interaction paradigm for exploratory multi-domain search upon structured information collected from heterogeneous data sources. Liquid Queries support an exploratory search approach by providing a set of interaction primitives for multi ...
Search computing queries typically address search tasks that go beyond a single interaction. In this paper, we show a query paradigm that supports multi-step, exploratory search over multiple Web data sources. Our paradigm requires users to be aware of searching over "interconnec ...
This article presents the adaptation of a general search computing framework for exploratory search over Web data as suggested by the specificity of location-based data services. The result is a conceptual model of geographic entities, the spatial functions operating on them, and ...

Chapter 13

Liquid queries and liquid results in search computing

Liquid queries are a flexible tool for information seeking, based on the progressive exploration of the search space; they produce "fluid" results which dynamically adapt to the shape of the query, as a liquid adapts to its container. The liquid query paradigm relies on the Se ...

Chapter 14

Building search computing applications

Search Computing aims at opening the Web to a new class of search applications, by offering enhanced expressive and computational power. The success of Search Computing, as of any technical advance, will be measured by its impact upon the search industry and market, and this in t ...

Liquid query

Multi-domain exploratory search on the web

In this paper we propose the Liquid Query paradigm, to support users in finding responses to multi-domain queries through exploratory information seeking across structured information sources (Web documents, deep Web data, and personal data repositories), wrapped by means of a ...

Search Computing defines a new class of applications, which enable end users to perform exploratory search processes over multi-domain data sources available on the Web. These applications exploit suitable software frameworks and models that make it possible for expert users to c ...
Search Computing defines a new class of applications, which enable end users to perform exploratory search processes over multi-domain data sources available on the Web. These applications exploit suitable models, supported by a framework, that make it possible for expert users t ...

Search computing

Managing complex search queries

Search computing focuses on building answers to complex search queries (for example, "Where can I attend an interesting conference in my field near a sunny beach?") by interacting with a constellation of cooperating search services, and using result ranking and joining as the ...