D.H. Malschaert

8 records found


The welding process induces residual stresses because of the non-uniform heating and cooling of the material. Residual stresses are known to influence fatigue crack growth. However, studies addressing both the formation of residual stress – giving a realistic multi-directional ...

To monitor the growth of fatigue cracks in steel specimens, several methods exists. In this paper, the magnetic stray field, which is generated by the magnetisation of the specimen, was measured during loading to investigate how to utilise this data to reliably monitor fatigue ...

Steel Orthotropic Bridge Decks (OBDs) are widely used in the superstructures of movable and long-span bridges. There is a high concentration of stress at many welded connections, which are governing the fatigue performance of OBDs. The fatigue behaviour of the lower end of weld i ...

Orthotropic bridge decks are susceptible to fatigue cracks which are influenced by the thickness of their components, welding procedure, type of the weld, the position of the considered detail in relation to the local loading condition and by residual stresses due to welding. ...


Fatigue design investigation of the main- to cross-girder connection in steel railway bridges

A study on the beam railway bridges of the Oostertoegang in Amsterdam

Over the past few decades, the Netherlands has built numerous steel railway bridges to improve its infrastructure. The repeated loading from railway traffic makes steel bridges susceptible to fatigue damage. The stress ranges at fatigue-prone locations are generally higher in rai ...
Welding is a widely used process in various industries for joining materials, but it can introduce several complexities that affect the mechanical properties of the welded components. In particular, the presence of pores within the welded material can have significant implication ...
In the past years, the safety of steel railway bridges has been questioned due to the coped beam connection sensitivity to fatigue and fatigue crack appearance. To ensure the safety of these railway bridges, the propagation of the fatigue crack needs to be analysed by performing ...
Welded details in orthotropic steel decks (OSD) are susceptible to fatigue cracks which are caused by local weld defects, geometric stress concentrations and residual tensile stresses. Residual tensile stresses are formed during the welding process and the distribution depends on ...