Ravi Seshadri

4 records found

Urban traffic congestion has led to an increasing emphasis on management measures for more efficient utilization of existing infrastructure. In this context, this paper proposes a novel framework that integrates real-time optimization of control strategies (tolls, ramp metering r ...
In this chapter, we present a methodological approach for Smart Mobility that integrates three key features: prediction, optimization, and personalization. They are integrated in such a way that when a travel menu is offered, predicted conditions are considered in the attributes ...
The urban mobility landscape is witnessing widespread changes with the emergence of several disruptive technologies including mobility-as-a-service and automated vehicles. The convergence of these two developments in the form of automated mobility-on-demand (AMoD) services (i.e., ...

Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services

General framework and application to sustainable travel incentives

This paper presents a systematic way of understanding and modeling traveler behavior in response to on-demand mobility services. We explicitly consider the sequential and yet inter-connected decision-making stages specific to on-demand service usage. The framework includes a hybr ...