Carlos Lima Azevedo

9 records found

Through the vast adoption and application of emerging technologies, the intelligence and autonomy of smart mobility can be substantially elevated to address more diversified demands and supplies. Along with this trend, a systematic collaboration among three essential elements of ...
In this chapter, we present a methodological approach for Smart Mobility that integrates three key features: prediction, optimization, and personalization. They are integrated in such a way that when a travel menu is offered, predicted conditions are considered in the attributes ...

Road safety of passing maneuvers

A bivariate extreme value theory approach under non-stationary conditions

Observed accidents have been the main resource for road safety analysis over the past decades. Although such reliance seems quite straightforward, the rare nature of these events has made safety difficult to assess, especially for new and innovative traffic treatments. Surrogate ...
The urban mobility landscape is witnessing widespread changes with the emergence of several disruptive technologies including mobility-as-a-service and automated vehicles. The convergence of these two developments in the form of automated mobility-on-demand (AMoD) services (i.e., ...

Behavioral modeling of on-demand mobility services

General framework and application to sustainable travel incentives

This paper presents a systematic way of understanding and modeling traveler behavior in response to on-demand mobility services. We explicitly consider the sequential and yet inter-connected decision-making stages specific to on-demand service usage. The framework includes a hybr ...
Stated preferences surveys are most commonly used to provide behavioral insights on hypothetical travel scenarios such as new transportation services or attribute ranges beyond those observed in existing conditions. When designing SP surveys, considerable care is needed to balanc ...
The increased availability of detailed trajectory data sets from naturalistic, observational, and simulation-based studies, is a key source for potential improvements in the development of detailed safety models that explicitly account for vehicle conflict interactions and variou ...
Various road safety performance indicators (SPIs) have been proposed for different road safety research areas, mainly as regards driver behaviour (e.g. seat belt use, alcohol, drugs, etc.) and vehicles (e.g. passive safety); however, no SPIs for the road network and design have b ...