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J Motohisa
Academic Work (11)
Book chapter (1)
Journal article (10)
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11 records found
Longitudinal and transverse exciton-spin relaxation in a single InAsP quantum dot embedded inside a standing InP nanowire using photoluminescence spectroscopy
Journal article (2012) -
H Sasakura (author)
C Hermannstadter (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
S. Dorenbos (author)
N. Akopian (author)
J Motohisa (author)
Y. Kobayashi (author)
K Kondo (author)
K Tomioka (author)
T Fukui (author)
I Suemune (author)
Longitudinal and transverse exciton-spin relaxation in a single InAsP quantum dot embedded inside a standing InP nanowire using photoluminescence spectroscopy
Journal article (2012) -
H Sasakura (author)
C Hermannstadter (author)
T Fukui (author)
I Suemune (author)
V Zwiller (author)
S. N. Dorenbos (author)
N. Akopian (author)
MP van Kouwen (author)
J Motohisa (author)
Y. Kobayashi (author)
H Kumano (author)
K. Kondo (author)
K Tomioka (author)
Position controlled nanowires for infrared single photon emission
Journal article (2010) -
S.N. Dorenbos (author)
H Sasakura (author)
S Inoue (author)
H Kumano (author)
CM Natarajan (author)
RH Hadfield (author)
T Zijlstra (author)
Teun Klapwijk (author)
V. Zwiller (author)
I Suemune (author)
MP van Kouwen (author)
N. Akopian (author)
S Adachi (author)
N Namekata (author)
J Motohisa (author)
Y. Kobayashi (author)
K Tomioka (author)
T Fukui (author)
Optics with single nanowires
Journal article (2008) -
V.G. Zwiller (author)
N. Akopian (author)
L. Liu (author)
JC Harmand (author)
Y. Kobayashi (author)
J Motohisa (author)
MHM van Weert (author)
MP van Kouwen (author)
U Perinetti (author)
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
R Algra (author)
J Gomez Rivas (author)
EPAM Bakkers (author)
G patriarche (author)
Low temperature transport in dual-gated SETs fabricated by selective area metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy.
Journal article (2002) -
J Motohisa (author)
WG van der Wiel (author)
JM Elzerman (author)
S de Franceschi (author)
F Nakajima (author)
Y Ogasawara (author)
T Fukui (author)
Leo P. Kouwenhoven (author)
Two-stage Kondo effect in a quantum dot at high magnetic field
Journal article (2002) -
WG van der Wiel (author)
S de Franceschi (author)
JM Elzerman (author)
S Tarucha (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
J Motohisa (author)
F Nakajima (author)
T Fukui (author)
Fabrication and low-temperature transport properties of selectively grown dual-gated single-electron transistors.
Journal article (2002) -
J Motohisa (author)
F Nakajima (author)
T Fukui (author)
WG van der Wiel (author)
JM Elzerman (author)
S de Franceschi (author)
LP Kouwenhoven (author)
Influence of energy level alignment on tunneling between coupled quantum dots
Journal article (1996) -
D Dixon (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
PL McEuen (author)
Y Nagamune (author)
J Motohisa (author)
H Sakaki (author)
Linear and non-linear transport through coupled quantum dots
Journal article (1996) -
D Dixon (author)
L. P. Kouwenhoven (author)
PL McEuen (author)
Y Nagamune (author)
J Motohisa (author)
H Sakaki (author)
High frequency transport through mesoscopic structures
Journal article (1996) -
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
NC van der Vaart (author)
H Sakaki (author)
Y.V. Nazarov (author)
S Jauhar (author)
D Dixon (author)
K McCormick (author)
J Orenstein (author)
PL McEuen (author)
Y Nagamune (author)
J Motohisa (author)
Photon-assisted tunneling through a quantum dot: theory and experiment
Book chapter (1994) -
Leo Kouwenhoven (author)
NC van der Vaart (author)
H Sakaki (author)
Y.V. Nazarov (author)
S Jauhar (author)
D Dixon (author)
K McCormick (author)
J Orenstein (author)
PL McEuen (author)
Y Nagamune (author)
J Motohisa (author)