Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered a lot from the civil war, and among all the cities, Mostar is the longest and most tragic place. It is also a divided city today in both physical and mental aspects. Along with the reduction of public space and the decline in quality, people lost t
Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered a lot from the civil war, and among all the cities, Mostar is the longest and most tragic place. It is also a divided city today in both physical and mental aspects. Along with the reduction of public space and the decline in quality, people lost their places of public life, consequently, causing the mental division between people and the loss of city collective memory.This project would focus on the city of Mostar as a post-conflict area and aims to mitigate the mental division of the city and bring back people and collective memory by redesigning and improving public spaces. The historical and current condition in the city would be analysised to provide a comprehensive understanding of the working site. Memoryscape and placemaking for peace making would then work as the method to lead the intervension of this project, mainly focus on:1)Traditiional and new activities that keep attracting people; 2)Public landscape that involves the history elements reflecting to the city history and collective memory; 3)In a long run, the continual public space network would gather and lead people to step over the mental border line.