Diogene A. Dei Tos

4 records found

DESTINY+ is a medium-class interplanetary mission, selected by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency for potential launch windows in the first half of 2020s. The mission will demonstrate innovative spacecraft subsystem technologies, including a new type of ion engine for future ...
Solar electric propulsion is a key enabling technology that has improved the efficiency of space transport. With specific impulses that are typically ten times higher than the chemical counterpart, electric motors allow a considerable saving in propellant mass at the expense of l ...
DESTINY+ (Demonstration and Experiment of Space Technology for INterplanetary voYage, Phaethon fLyby and dUSt analysis) is a small-sized high-performance deep space vehicle proposed at ISAS/JAXA. The trajectory design of DESTINY+ is divided into several phas ...

Orbit Design for LUMIO

The Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer

The Lunar Meteoroid Impacts Observer, or LUMIO, is a space mission concept awarded winner of ESA's SysNova Competition “Lunar CubeSats for Exploration,” and as such it is now under consideration for future implementation by the Agency. The space segment foresees a 12U CubeSat, pl ...