Helena Teixidó

5 records found


We seek to address how air entrapment mechanisms during infiltration are influenced by the wetting characteristics of the fluid and the pore network formed by the reinforcement. To this end, we evaluated the behavior of two model fluids with different surface tensions, infiltr ...

We propose a methodology to monitor the progressive saturation of a non-translucent unidirectional carbon fabric stack through its thickness by means of X-ray radiography and extract the dynamic saturation curves using image analysis. Four constant flow rate injections with in ...

Capillarity plays a crucial role in many natural and engineered systems, ranging from nutrient delivery in plants to functional textiles for wear comfort or thermal heat pipes for heat dissipation. Unlike nano- or microfluidic systems with well-defined pore network geometries ...

Visualization of resin flow progression through fibrous preforms is often sought to elucidate flow patterns and validate models for filling prediction for liquid composite molding processes. Here, conventional X-ray radiography is compared to X-ray phase contrast technique to ima ...

Direct visualization is often sought to elucidate flow patterns and validate models to predict the filling kinetics during processes whereby a liquid resin infiltrates a textile porous preform. Here, X-ray phase contrast interferometry is evaluated to image in-operando constan ...