L.J.N. Brederode

11 records found

This paper presents an efficient solution method for the matrix estimation problem using a static capacity constrained traffic assignment (SCCTA) model with residual queues. The solution method allows for inclusion of route queuing delays and congestion patterns besides the tradi ...
Strategic traffic assignment (TA) models assess long-term effects of policies on route choices of travelers. To meet stability requirements, current strategic TA models lack modelling of queues. This thesis develops two TA models that include queue modelling whilst satisfying sta ...
To improve the accuracy of large-scale strategic transport models in congested conditions, this paper presents a straightforward extension of a static capacity-constrained traffic assignment model into a semi-dynamic version. The semi-dynamic model is more accurate than its stati ...
Ever more observed data on destination and mode choices made by travelers is becoming available from e.g. GSM and ANPR data. For strategic transport demand modelling, this means that instead of estimating synthetic models and calibrating them on the limited set of available obser ...
In strategic transport models, road travel demand matrices are usually estimated using estimation methods that fuse prior or synthetic travel demand matrices with flow data observed on individual roads (‘links’) in the network. On the one hand, ever more data on flows, speeds and ...
To prepare the Dutch regional and national strategic transport models (LMS/NRM) for policy questions of the future, Rijkswaterstaat – WVL wants to improve the correspondence between link speeds and route travel times estimated by these models in the base year and observed link f ...

Static Traffic Assignment with Queuing

Model properties and applications

This paper describes the road traffic assignment model Static Traffic Assignment with Queuing (STAQ) that was developed for situations where both static (STA) and dynamic (DTA) traffic assignment models are insufficient: strategic applications on large-scale congested networks. T ...
This paper presents a review and classification of traffic assignment models for strategic transport planning purposes by using concepts analogous to genetics in biology. Traffic assignment models share the same theoretical framework (DNA), but differ in capability (genes). We ar ...
For decades congestion levels around the world are rising. To properly incorporate the effects of congestion into strategic transport models, a shift from static capacity restrained towards capacity constrained and dynamic traffic assignment models has occurred. In this paper we ...
A matrix estimation method using the semi dynamic assignment model STAQ is developed exploiting its methodological advantages over full DTA models. The matrix estimation problem is formulated as a bi-level problem and is solved on the node level taking flow metering into account. ...