A.A. Candade
9 records found
The EnerWíng
Combining Performance, Longevity, Robustness, and Serial Production for Commercial EnerKíte Airborne Wind Converters
Aero-structural Design and Optimisation of Tethered Composite Wings
Computational Methods for Initial Design of Airborne Wind Energy Systems
Airborne wind energy (AWE) is an emerging renewable energy technology that harnesses wind energy using tethered flying systems. The extra degrees of freedom allow these systems to harvest wind resources at altitudes currently unrealisable by conventional turbines. These flying de
In this work we explore the initial design space for composite kites, focusing on the configuration of the bridle line system and its effect on the aeroelastic behaviour of the wing. The computational model utilises a 2D cross sectional model in conjunction with a 1D beam model (
The earlier in the design process the trade-offs between a system’s cost and its performance can be determined, the easier it is to narrowin on an optimal final design. In order to explore the initial design space for composite carbon kites, it is imperative to assess the load co
The EnerKíte team has been successful in automation of kite systems for more than a decade. Our first autonomous kite flights with figure of eight patterns took place in May 2008. Since then the technology of the ground-station, the wing and tether and the landing and launching s
For pumping cycle airborne wind energy systems, the airborne mass of the system plays a crucial factor in the performance of the system[1]. This is especially pronounced during low-wind conditions, where the additional force component to overcome gravity is more pronounced in com