Suryansh Sharma
10 records found
Smart autonomous vehicles can cooperatively drive as platoons offering benefits like enhanced safety, traffic efficiency, and fuel conservation. While traditionally platoons have followed a single-lane, train-like structure they face challenges when scaling that include communica
We present HUM-High-frequency UAV Messaging: an acoustic side channel communication system we design for localized drone-to-drone communications. We generate Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) signals from drone motors to carry information and improve communication reliability by mitiga
This study explores the kinematic model of the popular RHex hexapod robots which have garnered considerable interest for their locomotion capabilities. We study the influence of tripod trajectory parameters on the RHex robot’s movement, aiming to craft a precise kinematic model t
The increasing popularity of helium-assisted blimps for extended monitoring or data collection applications is hindered by a critical limitation-single-point failure when the balloon malfunctions or bursts. To address this, we introduce Janus, a hybrid blimp-drone platform equipp
Balloon Enabled Aerial Vehicle for IoT and Sensing
UAVs are becoming versatile and valuable platforms for various applications. However, the main limitation is their flying time. We present BEAVIS, a novel aerial robotic platform striking an unparalleled trade-off between the maneuverability of drones and the long-lasting capacit
Surveillance and monitoring are highly critical in many application scenarios like wildlife conservation, restricted areas such as nuclear spillover, and border security. Moreover, in these scenarios, intrusions do not happen frequently thus, conventional surveillance is overkill
Open Gimbal
A 3 Degrees of Freedom Open Source Sensing and Testing Platform for Nano and Micro UAVs
Testing the aerodynamics of micro-UAVs (mUAVs) and nano-UAVs (nUAVs) without actually flying is highly challenging. To address this issue, we introduce Open Gimbal, a specially designed 3 degrees of freedom (DoF) platform that caters to the unique requirements of mUAVs and nUAVs.
We present radio-frequency (RF) information harvesting, a chan-nel sensing technique that takes advantage of the energy in the wireless medium to detect channel activity at essentially no en-ergy cost. RF information harvesting is essential for event-driven wireless sensing appli
In this letter, we present Hermes - a novel, low-cost, wireless, batteryless, energy harvesting system for aerial vehicles for sensing wind speed and Angle of Attack (AoA) concurrently. Hermes comprises a set of piezoelectric films which flutter due to incoming wind and the chara
Heart Watch
Dynamical Systems Based Real Time Data Driven ECG Synthesis
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is an important health monitoring signal that is used in various medical diagnosis, especially identifying potential possibility of heart attacks and strokes. Moreover, many patients are in remote places and in many countries the patients to doctors ration