R Snieder

76 records found

Imagine placing a receiver at any location in the earth and recording the response at that location to sources on the surface. In such a world, we could place receivers around our reservoir to better image the reservoir and understand its properties. Realistically, this is not a ...
In Part I of this paper, we defined a focusing wave field as the time reversal of an observed point-source response. We showed that emitting a time-reversed field from a closed boundary yields a focal spot that acts as an isotropic virtual source. However, when emitting the field ...

Beyond Marchenko

Obtaining virtual receivers and virtual sources in the subsurface

By solving the Marchenko equations, the Green’s function can be retrieved between a virtual receiver in the subsurface to points at the surface (no physical receiver is required at the virtual location). We extend the idea of these equations to retrieve the Green’s function betwe ...
Imaging an unknown object in a medium that is known, such as a medium with constant velocity, is not difficult because one knows exactly where the waves are when they interact with the object. It is much more challenging to image an object in an unknown medium, because in that ca ...
Virtual sources can be created in several ways. In seismic interferometry, a virtual source is created by crosscorrelating responses at different receivers, which are illuminated from all directions. Seismic interferometry can be mathematically described by the homogeneous Green' ...
Recent work on autofocusing with the Marchenko equation has shown how the Green's function for a virtual source in the subsurface can be obtained from reflection data. The response to the virtual source is the Green's function from the location of the virtual source to the surfac ...
Measuring attenuation on the basis of interferometric, receiver-receiver surface waves is a non-trivial task: the amplitude, more than the phase, of ensemble-averaged cross-correlations is strongly affected by non-uniformities in the ambient wavefield. In addition, ambient noise ...