J.M. Maljaars

9 records found


A particle library for FENICS

This paper introduces LEOPART, an add-on for the open-source finite element software library FENICS to seamlessly integrate Lagrangian particle functionality with (Eulerian) mesh-based finite element (FE) approaches. LEOPART- which is so much as to say: ‘Lagrangian–Eulerian on Pa ...

An Exactly Mass Conserving and Pointwise Divergence Free Velocity Method

Application to Compositional Buoyancy Driven Flow Problems in Geodynamics

Tracer methods are widespread in computational geodynamics for modeling the advection of chemical data. However, they present certain numerical challenges, especially when used over long periods of simulation time. We address two of these in this work: the necessity for mass cons ...
A particle-mesh strategy is presented for scalar transport problems which provides diffusion-free advection, conserves mass locally (i.e. cellwise) and exhibits optimal convergence on arbitrary polyhedral meshes. This is achieved by expressing the convective field naturally locat ...

When Euler meets Lagrange

Particle-Mesh Modeling of Advection Dominated Flows

This thesis presents a numerical framework for simulating advection-dominated flows which reconciles the advantages of Eulerian mesh-based schemes with those of a Lagrangian particle-based discretization strategy. Particularly, the strategy proposed in this thesis inherits the di ...
By combining concepts from particle-in-cell (PIC) and hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) methods, we present a particle–mesh scheme for flow and transport problems which allows for diffusion-free advection while satisfying mass and momentum conservation – locally and globall ...
A generic particle–mesh method using a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) framework is presented and validated for the solution of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Building upon particle-in-cell concepts, the method is formulated in terms of an operator splitting ...
In this work the feasibility of a numerical wave tank using a hybrid particle-mesh method is investigated. Based on the fluid implicit particle method (FLIP) a formulation for the hybrid method is presented for incompressible multiphase flows involving large density jumps and wav ...
In this work the feasibility of a numerical wave tank using a hybrid particle-mesh method is investigated. Based on the Fluid Implicit Particle Method (FLIP) a generic formulation for the hybrid method is presented for incompressible multi-phase flows involving large density jump ...
The last decade has seen a growing interest in cohesive zone models for fatigue applications. These cohesive zone models often suffer from a lack of generality and applying them typically requires calibrating a large number of model-specific parameters. To improve on these issues ...