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F.P. van der Meer

107 records found

The phase-field hydraulic fracture model entails a non-convex energy functional. This renders a poor convergence behaviour for monolithic solution techniques, such as the Newton–Raphson method. Consequently, researchers have adopted alternative solution techniques such as the sta ...
Simulating the mechanical response of advanced materials can be done more accurately using concurrent multiscale models than with single-scale simulations. However, the computational costs stand in the way of the practical application of this approach. The costs originate from mi ...
In this work, the uncertainty associated with the finite element discretization error is modeled following the Bayesian paradigm. First, a continuous formulation is derived, where a Gaussian process prior over the solution space is updated based on observations from a finite elem ...

Unifying creep and fatigue modeling of composites

A time-homogenized micromechanical framework with viscoplasticity and cohesive damage

A micromechanical model for simulating failure of unidirectional composites under cyclic loading has been developed and tested. To efficiently pass through the loading signal, a two-scale temporal framework with adaptive stepping is proposed, with a varying step size between macr ...
Numerical methods for delamination analysis, such as the cohesive zone method, require fracture energy as an essential input. Existing formulations rely on a phenomenological relationship that links fracture energy to the mode of fracture based on linear elastic fracture mechanic ...
In this work, a hybrid physics-based data-driven surrogate model for the microscale analysis of heterogeneous material is investigated. The proposed model benefits from the physics-based knowledge contained in the constitutive models used in the full-order micromodel by embedding ...
A numerical framework for simulating progressive failure under high-cycle fatigue loading is validated against experiments of composite quasi-isotropic open-hole laminates. Transverse matrix cracking and delamination are modeled with a mixed-mode fatigue cohesive zone model, cove ...
A numerical framework for simulating progressive failure under high-cycle fatigue loading is validated against experiments of composite quasi-isotropic open-hole laminates. Transverse matrix cracking and delamination are modeled with a mixed-mode fatigue cohesive zone model, cove ...
In this work we present a hybrid physics-based and data-driven learning approach to construct surrogate models for concurrent multiscale simulations of complex material behavior. We start from robust but inflexible physics-based constitutive models and increase their expressivity ...
In this work, a recently proposed high-cycle fatigue cohesive zone model, which covers crack initiation and propagation with limited input parameters, is embedded in a robust and efficient numerical framework for simulating progressive failure in composite laminates under fatigue ...

Physically recurrent neural networks for path-dependent heterogeneous materials

Embedding constitutive models in a data-driven surrogate

Driven by the need to accelerate numerical simulations, the use of machine learning techniques is rapidly growing in the field of computational solid mechanics. Their application is especially advantageous in concurrent multiscale finite element analysis (FE2) due to t ...
A microscale numerical framework for modeling creep rupture in unidirectional composites under off-axis loading is presented, building on recent work on imposing off-axis loading on a representative volume element. Creep deformation of the thermoplastic polymer matrix is accounte ...

Neural networks meet physics-based material models

Accelerating concurrent multiscale simulations of pathdependent composite materials

In a concurrent multiscale (FE2) modeling approach the complex microstructure of composite materials is explicitly modeled on a finer scale and nested to each integration point of the macroscale. However, such generality is often associated with exceedingly high computational cos ...
In this paper, a micromechanical framework for modeling the rate-dependent response of unidirectional composites subjected to off-axis loading is introduced. The model is intended for a thin slice representative volume element that is oriented perpendicular to the reinforcement o ...
The Thick Level Set method (TLS) is an approach for non-local damage modeling in which the damage evolution is linked to the movement of a damage front described with the level set method. More recently, a new version of the TLS, designated as the TLSV2, has been proposed as a ne ...
Due to the complex underlying microscopic damage processes, the failure behavior of composite materials is challenging to understand and predict. Fracture mechanics approaches [1] and cohesive zone models [2] that simulate delamination generally consider the fracture energy as a ...

Neural networks meet physics-based material models

Accelerating concurrent multiscale simulations of path-dependent composite materials

In a concurrent (FE2) multiscale modeling is an increasingly popular approach for modeling complex materials. As such, it is especially suited for modeling composites, as their complex microstructure can be explicitly modeled and nested to each integration point of the macroscale ...
In this paper we develop a finite deformation micromechanical framework for modeling rate-dependent failure in unidirectional composites under off-axis loading. The model performance is compared with original experiments on thermoplastic carbon/PEEK composites tested at different ...
A common choice for multiscale modeling of the mechanical response of composites is to use periodic boundary conditions (PBCs) on square and cubical representative volume elements (RVEs). However, when strain localization occurs in the micromodel, these PBCs are unable to reprodu ...
A micromechanical framework for modeling failure in unidirectional (UD) thermoplastic composites under rate-dependent off-axis loading is presented, with the aim to predict and analyze transverse matrix cracking under various load conditions. The onset of global softening in the ...