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SR Piersma
Academic Work (9)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (6)
Poster (2)
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9 records found
Purification and characterization of the tungsten enzyme aldehyde : ferredoxin oxidoreductase from the hyperthermophilic denitrifier Pyrobaculum aerophilum
Journal article (2005) -
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
TH Chen (author)
I Schroder (author)
SR Piersma (author)
S de Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)
Subcellular imaging mass spectrometry of brain tissue
Journal article (2005) -
Liam A. McDonnell (author)
SR Piersma (author)
A.F. Maarten Altelaar (author)
TH Mize (author)
Stefan L. Luxembourg (author)
SL Luxembourg (author)
Peter D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
J van Minnen (author)
RMA Heeren (author)
Biochemistry of denitrification in the archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum
Poster (2004) -
S de Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
J Tatur (author)
M.J.F. Strampraad (author)
Marc J.F. Strampraad (author)
SR Piersma (author)
I Schröder (author)
Purification and characterization of the menaquinol: nitrine oxidoreductase (NIR) from Pyrobaculum aerophilim
Poster (2003) -
S de Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
J Tatur (author)
M.J.F. Strampraad (author)
Marc J.F. Strampraad (author)
SR Piersma (author)
I Schröder (author)
Inhibition of nicotinoprotein (NAD(+)-containing) alcohol dehydrogenase by trans-4-(N,N-dimethylamino)-cinnamaldehyde binding to the active site
Journal article (2003) -
SR Piersma (author)
A Norin (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
H Jornvall (author)
JA Duine (author)
Nicotinoprotein (NAD+ -containing) alcohol dehydrogenase: structural relationships and functional interpretatiions
Journal article (2003) -
A Norin (author)
SR Piersma (author)
JA Duine (author)
H Jornvall (author)
Optical spectroscopy of nicotinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase from Amycolatopsis methanolica: a comparion with horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase and UDP-galactose epimerase.
Journal article (1998) -
SR Piersma (author)
AJWG Visser (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
JA Duine (author)
Structure and catalytic mechanism of nicotinoprotein alchol dehydrogenases from Amycolatopsis methanolica.
Doctoral thesis (1998) -
SR Piersma (author)
Mycothiol-dependent formaldehyde dehydrogenase, a prokaryotic medium-chain dehydrogenase/reductase, phylogenetically links different eukaryotic alcohol dehydrogenases - primary structure, conformational modeling and functional correlations.
Journal article (1998) -
A Norin (author)
PW Vanophem (author)
SR Piersma (author)
B Persson (author)
JA Duine (author)
H Jornvall (author)