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TH Chen
Academic Work (2)
Journal article (1)
Poster (1)
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2 records found
Combined transcriptome and peptidome analysis from Odorrana schmackeri, the Chinese odorous frog
Poster (2008) -
MWH Pinkse (author)
Martijn W.H. Pinkse (author)
M.W.H. Pinkse (author)
Martijn Pinkse (author)
GP Caprini (author)
TH Chen (author)
Peter D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
P.D.E.M. Verhaert (author)
C Shaw (author)
Purification and characterization of the tungsten enzyme aldehyde : ferredoxin oxidoreductase from the hyperthermophilic denitrifier Pyrobaculum aerophilum
Journal article (2005) -
Peter-Leon Hagedoorn (author)
Peter Leon Hagedoorn (author)
PL Hagedoorn (author)
P.L. Hagedoorn (author)
Peter L. Hagedoorn (author)
TH Chen (author)
I Schroder (author)
SR Piersma (author)
S de Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
Fred Hagen (author)
WR Hagen (author)
W.R. Hagen (author)
Wilfred R. Hagen (author)