Paul Voskuilen

5 records found


Voor dit onderzoek is data verzameld door middel van sleuteldocumenten, interviews en enquêtes. Alle stakeholders zijn individueel geïnterviewd in november 2022 middels een semigestructureerd interview. Hierbij zijn sleuteldocumenten gebruikt om de positie van een bepaalde stakeh ...
Door middel van een zo representatief mogelijk rekenmodel voor het middenspanningsnet van de Amsterdamse gebieden Buiksloterham-Zuid/Overhoeks (BZOH), heeft het onderzoeksteam een detailanalyse kunnen uitvoeren naar de verwachte leveringscongestie in dit gebied zoals aangekondigd ...


Clustering buildings with ATES systems to improve Amsterdam’s Fifth Generation Heating and Cooling Network

A sustainable heating and cooling solution for a densely populated urban area

As the Netherlands aims to phase out gas by 2050, alternative heating solutions are urgently needed, especially in densely populated areas like Amsterdam's city center. Solutions like hydrogen and green gas are infeasible due to limited availability.
A potential solution is ...
The Dutch government has set a goal to phase out the use of natural gas by 2050. As a result, municipalities are focusing on implementing alternative heating strategies in certain neighbourhoods. However, districts with older building stocks are often neglected, raising concerns ...
The long time horizon of sustainable energy developments is often associated with all sorts of issues that are caused by changes in values. The public attitude can be affected by these changes and potential risks in the lack of social acceptance could occur, which always lead to ...