13 records found
Design for values in nanotechnology
Clarifying the debate on selection methods for engineering: Arrow's impossibility theorem, design performances, and information basis
Values in engineering models: social ramifications of modeling in engineering design
model0based high-throughput process development for chromatographic whey proteins separation
Development of a bionanotechnological phosphate removal system with thermostable ferritin
Towards safety and sustainability by design: nano-sized TiO2 in sunscreens
Sunscreens with Titanium dioxide (TiO2) nano-particles: a societal experiment
Multidisciplinary engagement with nanoethics through education -The Nanobio-RAISE advanced courses as a case study and model
Deficiency in Ti02 nanoparticle for sunscreens case
Een tweede leven voor garnalenafval
Laboratorium experimenten met thermostabiel ferritine voor fosfaatverwijdering. Rapport aan: STOWA, Utrecht, September 2007
UV protective coatings: a botanical approach
Thermostabiel ferritine voor een bionanotechnologische fosfaatverwijdering