H.S. Barakov

5 records found


We study the current-phase relation (CPR) of an InSb-Al nanowire Josephson junction in parallel magnetic fields up to 700 mT. At high magnetic fields and in narrow voltage intervals of a gate under the junction, the CPR exhibits π shifts. The supercurrent declines within these ...

We show that the quasicontinuous gapless spectrum of Andreev bound states in multiterminal semi-classical superconducting nanostructures exhibits a large number of topological singularities. We concentrate on Weyl points in a four-terminal nanostructure and compute their densi ...

Overlapping Andreev states in semiconducting nanowires

Competition of one-dimensional and three-dimensional propagation

The recent proposals of devices with overlapping Andreev bound states (ABS) open up opportunities to control and fine tune their spectrum that can be used in various applications in quantum sensing and manipulation. In this paper, we study the ABS in a device consisting of a s ...

The recent proposals of experiments with single Andreev bound states make relevant a detailed analysis of these states in multiterminal superconducting nanostructures. We evaluate the energy splitting of degenerate Andreev bound states that overlap in a superconducting lead, a ...