
Wim van Sluijs

3 records found


The current literature on solid oxide fuel cell and internal combustion engine (SOFC-ICE) integration is focused on the application of advanced combustion technologies operating as bottoming cycles to generate a small load share. This integration approach can pose challenges f ...

Hydrogen-natural gas combustion in a marine lean-burn SI engine

A comparitive analysis of Seiliger and double Wiebe function-based zero–dimensional modelling

With increasingly stringent emission regulations, marine natural gas engines need to improve their performance. Various proven advantages of hydrogen-natural gas (H-NG) blends make them a promising enhanced fuel solution. Although modelling of H-NG combustion has been investig ...

A novel ship propulsion concept employs natural gas to reduce ship emissions and improve overall ship propulsion efficiency. This concept proposes a serial integration of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) and a natural gas engine, while anode-off gas (gas at the fuel cell exhaust) is ...