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E. van der Kruk

21 records found


Does an unconscious bias still persist in biomechanics, positioning males as the default in human research? A meta-analysis on the Journal of Biomechanics 2024 publications

Articles published in the Journal of Biomechanics still reflect bias, with males positioned as the default in human research. This meta-analysis on the 2024 articles reveals a large disparity in female representation. One in four studies showed an imbalance (<30 % female repre ...
Facilitating forward movement while maintaining dynamic stability during transitions like sit-to-walk (STW) requires coordination from many muscles. Age-related muscle, sensory, and neural decline can introduce compensatory biomechanics when completing STW, such as adjusting init ...
The ollie is the base aerial human–board maneuver, foundational to most modern skateboarding tricks. We formulate and solve an optimal control problem of a two-dimensional simplified human model and a rigid body skateboard with the objective of maximizing the height of the ollie. ...
Standing up from a chair is a key daily life activity that is sensitive to functional limitations as we age and associated with falls, frailty, and institutional living. Predictive neuromusculoskeletal models can potentially shed light on the interconnectivity and interdependency ...
Maintaining dynamic balance during transitional movements like sit-to-walk (STW) can be challenging for older adults. Age-related neuromuscular decline can alter movement in STW, such as rising with greater trunk flexion, narrowing the feet, or using arms to push off. Initial foo ...
The ‘Timed Up and Go’ test (TUG) is a widely used clinical tool for assessing gait and balance, relying primarily on timing as a measure. However, there are more observable biomechanical compensation strategies within TUG that are indicative of underlying neuromuscular issues and ...
Fall risk increases with age, and one-third of adults over 65 years old experience a fall annually. Due to the aging population, the number of falls and related medical costs will progressively increase. Correct prediction of who will fall in the future is necessary to timely int ...

Age-related compensation

Neuromusculoskeletal capacity, reserve & movement objectives

The prevention, mitigation and treatment of movement impairments, ideally, requires early diagnosis or identification. As the human movement system has physiological and functional redundancy, movement limitations do not promptly arise at the onset of physical decline. A such, pr ...
Capacity is the physiological ability of the neuromusculoskeletal systems; this declines with age. This decline in capacity may result in the inability to stand up (sit-to-stand, sit-to-walk), which is an important movement for independent living. Compensation, as a result of fun ...

Getting in shape

Reconstructing three-dimensional long-track speed skating kinematics by comparing several body pose reconstruction techniques

In gait studies body pose reconstruction (BPR) techniques have been widely explored, but no previous protocols have been developed for speed skating, while the peculiarities of the skating posture and technique do not automatically allow for the transfer of the results of those e ...
This study performed an analysis of the push-off forces of elite-short-track speed skaters using a new designed instrumented short-track speed skate with the aim to improve short-track skating performance. Four different skating strokes were distinguished for short-track speed sk ...

Power in sports

A literature review on the application, assumptions, and terminology of mechanical power in sport research

The quantification of mechanical power can provide valuable insight into athlete performance because it is the mechanical principle of the rate at which the athlete does work or transfers energy to complete a movement task. Estimates of power are usually limited by the capabiliti ...
Speed skating is a rather special form of locomotion. While in most types of human locomotion, humans generate forces by pushing against the environment in the opposite direction of motion, in speed skating the skater pushes sideward to propel himself forward; Insight in the deta ...
Objective: Sport research often requires human motion capture of an athlete. It can, however, be labour-intensive and difficult to select the right system, while manufacturers report on specifications which are determined in set-ups that largely differ from sport research in term ...
Advice about the optimal coordination pattern for an individual speed skater, could be addressed by simulation and optimization of a biomechanical speed skating model. But before getting to this optimization approach one needs a model that can reasonably match observed behaviour. ...
In speed skating forces are generated by pushing in a sideward direction against an environment, which moves relative to the skater. De Koning et al. (1987) showed that there is a distinct difference in the coordination pattern between (elite) speed skaters. Models can help to gi ...

Giving the force direction

Analysis of speed skater push off forces with respect to an inertial coordinate system

Pushoff in speed skating requires an extensive motion strategy. During speed skating the skater continuously changes the lean and steering angle of the skate and therewith the direction of push-off, The forces in an inertial coordinate system can give insight into what amount of ...

Nog sneller schaatsen?

Wie niet sterk is moet slim zijn

Niet over één nacht ijs

Realtime feedback voor betere schaatsprestaties

Getting the angles straight in speed skating

A validation study on an IMU filter design to measure the lean angle of the skate on the straights

To assist speed skaters in improving their skating performance, we would like to provide them with real time feedback on the orientation of the skate within a single stroke. While of course the forces generated by the skater on the ice determine the acceleration of the skater, th ...