19 records found


This work is a long-term, interannual, and experimental study conducted in multiple locations. It studies the effects of phase change materials (PCMs) on photovoltaic modules’ performance by reducing their operational temperature. Two PV modules were manufactured so that PCM s ...

Herein, the application of a comprehensive modeling framework that can help optimize the design of multilayered optical filters for coloring photovoltaic (PV) modules is presented based on crystalline silicon solar cells. To overcome technical issues related to the implementat ...

When integrated into urban environments, photovoltaic (PV) systems usually present operational temperatures that are significantly higher than those shown by rack-mounted systems. High operating temperatures are associated with reduced reliability of PV modules and significant ...

Building Integrated Photovoltaic systems can produce a significant portion of the energy demand of urban areas. Despite their potential, they remain a niche technology that architects and project engineers still find esthetically limited. The dark blue or black color of standa ...

Photovoltaic chimney

Thermal modeling and concept demonstration for integration in buildings

This work presents the concept of a photovoltaic (PV)-powered solar chimney. We modeled and experimentally studied the integration of a PV system within a naturally ventilated façade (NVF), attempting to use the inherent cavity as a ventilation channel to transfer heat. Thermo ...

We report on an advanced modelling approach to accurately predict the energy yield of custom environment / urban integrated photovoltaic systems (E/UIPV). Several submodels are here presented, and their mutual interaction discussed. The flexibility of our software platform all ...


High operating temperatures harm photovoltaic (PV) modules. The increase in temperature of the cells leads to lower open circuit voltage and higher short circuit current ultimately leading to a lower power output due to a negative thermal coefficient. Hence, lowering the temperat ...
As the world is trying to rely less on fossil fuels for electrical energy. To do this, the alternatives should be as efficient and durable as possible. The alternative that has been growing the fastest in recent years is solar energy. Apart from it’s growth in the market share, t ...
Building energy consumption is one of the highest of any sector. Building integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) have the potential to eventually contribute to 50%-70% of the total energy demand. However, one of the main barriers that hinder the acceptance of solar energy systems as an ...
The residential and service sectors are responsible for the 39% of the total energy consumption. 80% of this energy is used for heating purposes. Achieving nearly zero energy buildings is a major goal for the near future. The design of an integrated electrical and thermal system ...
The advancement of innovative PV technologies has led to an all-time high integration of the same in the urban environment. Furthermore, development of decentralized power systems complements this rise as it supports in-situ power consumption. Due to space availability constraint ...
The built environment is among the highest energy consuming sectors worldwide. However, buildings have large surface areas that can be used to improve the building energy performance. One example is by integration of photovoltaic systems in roofs and facades, which can reduce the ...
Whilst research in solar cell materials lead to higher efficiencies every year, new difficulties arise with every breakthrough to get an even higher efficiency. Therefore, every component of a PV system should be examined, as well as how their behaviour under operation affects pe ...
Global energy demand is on the rise. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), in 2018, the building sector alone constituted 28 % of all energy-related CO2 emissions. In an effort to reduce the carbon footprint of the building sector, the European Union has decreed tha ...
As solar energy finds its way into unexpected applications such as buildings or objects, the traditional rectangle-shaped module becomes inadequate. Although traditional modules have been optimized to deliver a large amount of power, they cannot be fitted easily into a façade or ...
While there are many factors influencing the efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) cells one of the most important ones is temperature. Module temperatures can get significantly higher than the ambient temperature, increases of up to 30°C have been reported in literature. An increase i ...

Dimmable fenestration and incorporated photovoltaic design

Smart Window design with PDLC and AL-BSF cells

The built environment contributes with 39% of the CO2 emissions in the world [3]. At the same time it is a sector that is expected to grow from US$10.9 trillion (2017) to US$12.9 trillion (2022) [4]. A sector with such an economic growth but with a negative environmental impact n ...
Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) has the potential to play a major role in the ongoing transition towards nearly zero energy buildings. However, the BIPV market is still a niche market, representing only 1% of the global PV share. One of the main barriers that hinder the ...