This thesis details the theoretical background and development process of a classification model for electroencephalogram-based (EEG) motor imagery (MI) signals, to be used in a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. This project was undertaken in order to demonstrate the possibi
This thesis details the theoretical background and development process of a classification model for electroencephalogram-based (EEG) motor imagery (MI) signals, to be used in a brain-computer interface (BCI) system. This project was undertaken in order to demonstrate the possibility of distinguishing MI-EEG signals acquired using the g.tec Unicorn Hybrid Black EEG measurement cap. The classification model devised in this thesis is a hybrid deep neural network model, which combines a convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN) in parallel, closing with a fully-connected (FC) layer. Much experimentation and research was needed to create this model, and this is extensively discussed within the thesis. The classification model produced for this thesis is one part of a complete end-to-end BCI system, which also entails a measurement and data processing procedure, and the development of a graphical user interface which provides visual feedback to the user.
On publicly available datasets, the classification model produced promising performance, achieving 55% on the BCI Competition IV-2a (4 class) dataset and 78% on the BCI IV-2a (2 class) dataset. The model has not yet been tested on self-collected data.