Theo Wiggers
13 records found
It is estimated that in Africa 30,000-130,000 new cases arise annually and a total of 3 million women suffer from untreated vesicovaginal fistulas (VVFs) in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) worldwide. A VVF is an abnormal communication between the bladder and vagina that
Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate psychological effects of the state-of-art intensified follow-up protocol for colorectal cancer patients in the CEAwatch trial. Method: At two time points during the CEAwatch trial questionnaires regarding pati
Aim: The study CEA Watch (Netherlands Trial Register 2182) has shown that an intensified follow-up schedule with more frequent carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) measurements but fewer outpatient visits detects more curable recurrences compared with the usual follow-up protocol in co
Intensified follow-up in colorectal cancer patients using frequent Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA) measurements and CEA-triggered imaging
Results of the randomized "CEAwatch" trial
Abstract Aim The value of frequent Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA) measurements and CEA-triggered imaging for detecting recurrent disease in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients was investigated in search for an evidence-based follow-up protocol. Methods This is a randomized-controll
Background Surgical resection with restoration of bowel continuity is the cornerstone of treatment for patients with colonic cancer. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for anastomotic leakage (AL) and subsequent death after colonic cancer surgery. Methods Data wer
Background Due to changes in staging, (neo)-adjuvant treatment and surgical techniques for colorectal cancer (CRC), it is expected that the recurrence pattern will change as well. This study aims to report the current incidence of, and time to recurrent disease (RD), further the
Context: High-quality cancer care should be accessible for patients and healthcare professionals. Involvement of patients as partners in guideline formation and consensus processes is still rarely found. EURECCA, short for European Registration of Cancer Care, is the platform to
n the search for evidence-based follow-up of patients after resection for colorectal cancer, numerous tumor markers have been proposed. This review has evaluated these markers and comments on the diagnostic accuracy in finding recurrent disease in relation to Carcino-Embryonic An
Background: The present paper is a first evaluation of the use of "CEAwatch", a clinical support software system for surgeons for the follow-up of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. This system gathers Carcino-Embryonic Antigen (CEA) values and automatically returns a recommendati
Following curative treatment for colorectal cancer (CRC), 30% to 50% of patients will develop recurrent disease. For CRC there are several lines of evidence supporting the hypothesis that early detection of meta chronous disease offers a second opportunity for cure. This paper re
Background: Advanced colorectal cancer (CRC), either locally advanced, metastasized (mCRC) or both, is present in a relevant proportion of patients. The chances on curation of advanced CRC are continuously improving with modern multi-modality treatment options. For incurable CRC
Definition of total mesorectal excision, including the perineal phase
Technical considerations
Background: Total mesorectal excision (TME) has contributed to a decline in local recurrence. The operation is difficult because of the complicated anatomy of the pelvis and the narrow spaces in the pelvis. We review the anatomy related to TME and we present our surgical techniqu