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P.J. Marang-van de Mheen

206 records found


Heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a common autosomal dominant inherited metabolic disease with a prevalence of 1 in 500 in most Western countries. People with FH experience an increased risk for coronary artery disease (CAD) and excess mortality especially at a ...
Aims: To estimate the cost-effectiveness of the current screening programme on Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) in relatives of diagnosed FH-patients in The Netherlands. Methods and Results: Data from 2229 screened FH-relatives, including age, sex, risk factor status and scree ...

Objectives: To assess the screenees' views on, and the psychological impact of, a family-based genetic screening programme for familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) and to evaluate non-participation. Methods: Self-administered questionnaires were filled out at the time of screen ...

Decline of the relative risk of death associated with low employment grade at older age

The impact of age related differences in smoking, blood pressure and plasma cholesterol

Study objective - To explore whether the observed age related decline in the relative risk of death associated with low employment grade can be explained by the profiles of smoking, blood pressure and plasma cholesterol changing differently with age between the employment grades. ...
The quality of life (QoL) of survivors of a myocardial infarction (MI) remains lower than that of their peers long after the acute event. Previous research on this subject has indicated, however, that this difference might lessen somewhat over time for the dimension 'emotional fu ...
Background. Prescott et al. found that the relative risks associated with smoking for respiratory and vascular deaths were higher for women who inhale than for inhaling men, and found no gender differences in relative risks of smoking-related cancers. The purpose of the present s ...
The present study aimed to compare survival to age 75 between men and women, by social circumstances and smoking behaviour. A 20 year follow up was carried out of a large representative cohort of Scottish men and women in the Renfrew and Paisley study, and was combined with Scott ...

Genetische screening op familiaire hypercholesterolemie in 1992-1997

Vooral jongere patienten onder de aandacht van de huisarts gebracht

Objective. To estimate the proportion of patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia (FH) who were identified with hypercholesterolaemia in general practice prior to screening by means of pedigree research and DNA analysis by the National Foundation for the Identification of Fam ...
Objective - To examine whether eliminating smoking will lead to a reduction in the number of years lived with disability (that is, absolute compression of morbidity). Design - Multistate life table calculations based on the longitudinal GLOBE study (the Netherlands) combined with ...
Blaxter has hypothesized that harmful behavioral habits like smoking have a greater impact on health in the non-manual than in the manual social classes, possibly because other adverse exposures have a more important role in the manual social classes. However, the outcome measure ...

Study objective - To assess the size of mortality differentials in men by social class in Scotland as compared with England and Wales, and to analyse the time trends in these differentials. Subjects - Men from England and Wales and Scotland around each census from 1951 to 1981 ...

Objectives. This study examined the variation in reported relative risks of coronary heart disease and stroke associated with hypertension and determined reasons for the interstudy variation. Methods. Studies published since 1972 were examined that reported the absolute number of ...
Little is known about the clustering of risk factors at a nation-wide level. As a result the prevalence of combinations of risk factors in models like PREVENT, designed to calculate the health benefits of a change in risk factor prevalences, is computed assuming an independent di ...
REPORTED RELATIVE RISKS associated with smoking differ between studies; these differences may reflect true biological differences between populations or may be research artifacts introduced by differences in factors such as amount smoked or smoking duration. The authors reviewed ...
Study objective - To estimate the prevalence of hypertension in The Netherlands and to quantify the influence of methodological variables on the reported prevalences. Design - A pooled analysis was performed based on reported age specific prevalences of hypertension. A logistic m ...

Reported prevalences of former smokers in survey data

The importance of differential mortality and misclassification

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the reported increase in the percentage of never smokers in the group of men born between 1924 and 1938, as observed in survey data in the Netherlands, can be attributed to differential mortality or to misclassification. In a spr ...